Although registration is not required to attend a Shoreline Church Worship Service we love to get to know those who are visiting or plan to attend for the first time. Filling out this form allows us to connect with you and answer your questions. If you have children, it also allows us to pre-register your children for Sunday Kids Programming.
Sunday Worship Service Options 9:00 and 11:00 AM
Worship Center
We are excited to welcome you to our newly updated Worship Center!
This indoor worship service takes place in Shoreline’s main Worship Center.
During this service, you will experience live preaching with Pastor Kevin or another Shoreline Pastor along with a full worship band at each service.

Shoreline Courtyard
Join us in the Shoreline Courtyard to view the service live via Jumbotron video. This is a great venue for families or for anyone who loves an outdoor service. You may want to bring a hat, sunglasses, or a jacket!
The worship and preaching will be broadcast live from our worship center.

Family Worship Venue
This is a great venue for families with young children to attend worship together and model corporate worship for their children. This worship service will take place in the Parkside Room and there will be activities such as coloring materials and toys available to help keep children occupied when not engaged in the service.
The service is experienced via livestream video.

Spanish translation available on campus at the 11 AM service.
Kids Programming
Kids Programming is offered for Nursery – 5th grade at both 9:00 and 11:00 am. This is an opportunity for children to join us in Biblically-centered teaching, worship, small groups, crafts, socially distant games, and fun! All our children’s spaces have been prepared to be sanitary and safe.
Check-in closes 10 minutes after the start of each service
No reservations needed. Online curriculum →
Online Worship Services 9:00 and 11:00 AM
Our worship services will continue to broadcast live every Sunday morning. You can find our services at 9:00 and 11:00 am (livestream from the Worship Center) via our website, YouTube, or Facebook.
The online option is a great for those who are unable to join us on campus. Our production team strives for high quality streaming to bring you as much of the “in-person” experience as possible.
Our Location
2500 Garden Road, Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 655-0100