A Unique Local Community Church
Shoreline is a unique expression of what God is doing in and through our particular community. Our goal is not to be exactly like other churches or movements, but we are informed by the work and ministry of other congregations. We are highly focused on reaching our community, the greater Monterey area, for Jesus.
Reflective of our area, we are not an old-fashioned, traditional church. We are also not seeking to be a hip, trendy church.
We strive to reflect the people and places that are found in this area. We love and intentionally reach out to the people in our local area and desire to bring them into greater commitment and relationship with God.
We are a local church. We exist as a growing spiritual body, representing Jesus to our local area and culture.
Our mission is “To help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ.”
Christlike People, Programs, and Experiences
Shoreline’s people, programs, and experiences seek to embody and reflect Christlikeness. We long to show the fruit of the Spirit to the world. In every interaction with Shoreline, people should leave with a sense of God’s working through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Shoreline seeks to develop and offer spiritual growth opportunities for all generations and people at every level of spiritual growth.
Biblical Preaching and Teaching
We are a church that speaks the truth in loving ways. We don’t shy away from hard topics but rather embrace God’s truth through His Word. Our community thrives on solid, consistent biblical preaching and teaching. This is visible in our Sunday services and throughout our entire church as we provide classes, studies, and learning experiences based on biblical truth and sound theology.
Transformational Living
Shoreline is focused on life change. We long to see every person conformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. We love and welcome everyone who comes through our door, just as they are. We also long to see them experience the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in their life and become all God longs for them to be. With this in mind, we focus on practical application and life action in all of our preaching, teaching, and learning environments.
Global Vision
Shoreline’s vision goes beyond ourselves and our immediate community. Our mission, “To help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ,” compels us to maximize our kingdom impact through our state, nation, and the world.
Shoreline Church has been placed at a unique global crossroads of business, military, art, tourism (recreation, golf), resorts, food, wine, marine biology, agriculture and more. We have a deep commitment to equipping and sending people into the world with the gospel. Since we have many highly mobile communities in our region and church, we seek to invest in those who come to the Monterey area and Shoreline Church for a season of time but will be leaving to go to other parts of the world. God has given us a vision to influence and train these people to bring the love and message of Jesus organically to wherever God sends them next.
Shoreline organizes, leads and supports conferences, trainings, coaching, cohorts, online resources, mission trips, and other creative expressions. Embracing our global vision, Organic Outreach International, a ministry of Shoreline Church, exists to help all believers discover and unleash their kingdom potential.
Shoreline is committed to equipping individual Christians, families, churches, denominations, and movements globally to share the message of Jesus in natural ways. We do this locally, nationally, and globally in a growing number of languages and places.
Connected to the Larger Church and Story of God
Shoreline loves being part of the larger body of Christ and seeks to connect meaningfully with churches and Christian ministries from various traditions and places. In light of this, we pray weekly for other local congregations and partner in ministry with a variety of churches locally, nationally and internationally. We also share what we have with other churches and freely give away ideas and resources to support churches as they seek to fulfill God’s mission.
We have a clear conviction that we are part of a bigger story God is writing all through history. We are rooted in the work of the historical Christian faith and Church. Our beliefs are orthodox and our ministry is connected to the larger work of Jesus through the ages.
Committed to Spirit-led Processes, Structure, and Stewardship
We understand that God is a God of order, not of chaos. Shoreline reflects that vision for thoughtful process and orderly structure. We seek to use our time, gifts, and resources in ways that most honor God and maximize all He has placed in our care.
We love spontaneity and moving with the Spirit, but our normal process is to plan in advance, pray deeply, work from a detailed ministry design, and seek to maximize all the resources God has given us as good stewards of his gifts.
Welcoming and Friendly
We warmly accept everyone who comes to Shoreline wherever they are on their spiritual journey. Shoreline’s people are genuine and caring, expressing the joy of their salvation.
Joyful and Exciting
Shoreline is a place that is excited about the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe following Jesus and serving Him leads to the best life possible. With this in mind we seek to bring energy, laughter, and fun into each of our ministries and gatherings.
Creative and Innovative
We believe one of the best ways to spread the message of Jesus is to continually innovate, create, try new things, and refine what we are already doing. At times, this leads to fast-paced change and creative experimentation. At the same time, we are a practical church that highly values good stewardship of our time and resources. So, we temper our innovation with practical wisdom.
Broad and Diverse Opportunities and People
Shoreline consists of people from all walks of life and backgrounds joined together through faith in Christ. Shoreline will continue to grow as we reach out intentionally to a broader spectrum of people who reflect our community. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We have a strong conviction that a diversity of programs and outreach efforts will help us fulfill the mission Christ has given us.
With this in mind, we intentionally de-emphasize issues that quickly divide and cause dissension in the body of Christ. This is not an issue of theological or biblical compromise, but a matter of seeking unity and love in the family of God.