
Baptism at Shoreline

Once you’ve accepted Jesus as your Savior, an important outward sign of the inward change is baptism. At Shoreline, we conduct baptisms for those who have made the decision to follow Jesus and would like to make a public declaration of their faith.

Are you interested in being baptized? Have your children asked questions about baptism? We warmly invite you to be part of our next baptism celebration!

The next baptisms in 2025 will take place:

  • Wednesday, April 2 – Night of Worship
  • Sunday, June 29 – Sunday Service
  • Sunday September 28 – Beach Baptism

Baptism Class

Join us in a baptism class to learn more about the biblical meaning and reason for this powerful practice. Then, let us know if you want to be baptized so we can plan on celebrating with you.

Completion of a baptism class is required prior to the baptismal ceremony. Classes in 2025:

  • 12:30 PM Sunday, January 19
  • 12:30 PM Sunday, February 16
  • 12:30 PM Sunday, March 16
  • 12:30 PM Sunday, April 13
  • 12:30 PM Sunday, May 18

Registration is required. Email Pastor Roy at for more information

Child Dedications

Shoreline Church celebrates infant and child dedication. Rather than baptizing infants and children, we wait until they have made a commitment to follow Jesus, then we encourage them to be baptized as an outward and public sign of their new faith in the Savior. We do delight to dedicate little ones to the Lord. We do this in our Sunday Morning services. It is a joy to gather with family, friends, and the congregation of Shoreline to pray over children and ask God to help their parents, family, and the church family to take an active part in the spiritual journey of each little one.

Parents participate in an in-person orientation prior to dedication Sundays. The next orientation will be at 12:30 PM Sunday, October 20 in the Garden Room. Registration is required. The next child dedications take place Sunday, November 17.

Email Pastor Roy at for more information