March 17 – 23

Weekly Reading for March 17 – 23

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Three Words
Sermon Title: Who Is This?

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on March 24, 2024:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: Three Words
Sermon Title: God With Us
Delivered On: March 17, 2024


Memorize and Reflect

1 John 4:9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

Prayer Direction

Thank God for His great love for us in sending Jesus to us, to live perfectly righteous for us, and to offer His life as a ransom for us on the cross. Thank God that He still dwells within us as we follow Him, serve Him, and love others like Him. Confess to Him any areas where you are experiencing fear or doubt and ask Him to fill you with the peace, joy, and strength of His presence. Commit to pray this week when you experience fear, worry, or doubt and to pray with and for others when they are experiencing similarly.

“Live It!” Challenge

Experience His presence! Find a space and some time in your calendar every morning to draw near to God this week. In that time and space, set aside anything that might be a distraction to focus on quiet time with God. Invite God to search your heart and mind and reveal anything that might be inhibiting your relationship with Him. Commit to writing down what you learned from this time, carefully consider what steps you need to take to follow God’s leading, and share it with a wise friend or family member. Ask them for their perspective and prayer as you seek to draw nearer to Jesus and grow to be more like Him.

Small Group Discussion

  1. When you were growing up, who is one person you loved to be with? Why? What made your time with them special?

  2. Read Isaiah 7:14. How does Jesus fulfill this prophecy once and for all?

  3. Read Matthew 1:18-23. What aspects of Jesus’ birth story are challenging yet reassuring to you and your Christian faith?

  4. Read Luke 4:1-13. What tactics do we see Satan use to tempt Jesus? How do these tactics compare to how he tempted Adam and Eve in the garden? What did Jesus do differently, and how did this outcome differ from the garden experience? How can this help us deal with temptation in our lives?

  5. Read John 14:6. In a world and culture that promotes many paths to God, these words run completely counter-cultural. How would you explain this statement to a non-Christian friend? What makes Jesus the only path?

  6. Read John 14:27. Since Jesus is with us, He also promises His peace for us! One of the ways we experience His peace is through prayer and the prayers of other followers of Jesus on our behalf. How can this group pray specifically for peace for you this week?