Weekly Reading for March 10 – 16
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: No Is a Beautiful WordSermon Title: Epic Nos and the Joy of Yes
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on March 17, 2019:
- SUNDAY: Exodus 20, Exodus 20,
- MONDAY: Matthew 6, Matthew 6,
- TUESDAY: Matthew 26, Matthew 26,
- WEDNESDAY: Proverbs 3, Proverbs 3,
- THURSDAY: Ephesians 4, Ephesians 4,
- FRIDAY: Philippians 4, Philippians 4,
- SATURDAY: Hebrews 13, Hebrews 13,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: No Is a Beautiful WordSermon Title: Know Your Nos
Delivered On: March 10, 2019
Memorize and Reflect
Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” (Matthew 4:10)Prayer Direction
Ask God to help you speak clear and definitive nos and yeses so that people know you are as good as your word! Pray for courage to say no, even when there might be a consequence or difficult repercussion. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom to know how to say no in each situation you need to use this beautiful word.“Live It!” Challenge
Say No: Think about an area of life you need to say a bold and confident no. Plan how you will say it, when you will say it, and pray about why you need to say it. Then, express this no with firm kindness, praying for God to prepare the person to receive this beautiful word and why you are speaking it.Small Group Discussion
Tell about a time you said no to someone and it went smoothly. Why do you think the person received your no the way they did.
Tell about a time you said no and it did not go well. How did the other person respond and why do you think they did not respond well? How could you have been more effective in saying no in this situation?
Read: Matthew 5:33-37. Why do you think Jesus is so serious about us meaning it when we say yes or no? If your yes is really a yes and your no is really a clear and confident no, how will this change the way people receive what you say?
If we always have to promise we are telling the truth or swear that we really mean what we are saying, what does this say about us and how people trust what we are saying? What characteristics and traits do you see in people whose word you always trust and believe?
What are some of the traits we need to grow in our own hearts, lives, and words so that people know we mean what we say?
Read: Matthew 4:1-10. With every enticement from the enemy, Jesus said no by quoting Scripture (Each time Jesus says, “It is written” he is quoting from the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament). Why is knowing the teaching of the Bible critically important if we are going to be people who say no to certain things and yes to other things? What are ways we can dig more into the Bible and learn more about what it teaches?
What are specific examples of times we should be ready to speak a clear, bold, uncompromising no? What can you do to be prepared to say no when you face one of these situations?
Tell about a time you said no, it was the right thing to do, but you still faced some tough consequences. Why was it still right to say no, even though it cost you?
How is saying no sometimes the most kind and loving thing we can do? Give an example of a situation you have said no, or you need to say no, as an act of love.
Tell about a recent experience when you said no so that you could say yes to something better. How did this work out over time?
Tell about a time you said no to someone and it went smoothly. Why do you think the person received your no the way they did.
Tell about a time you said no and it did not go well. How did the other person respond and why do you think they did not respond well? How could you have been more effective in saying no in this situation?
Read: Matthew 5:33-37. Why do you think Jesus is so serious about us meaning it when we say yes or no? If your yes is really a yes and your no is really a clear and confident no, how will this change the way people receive what you say?
If we always have to promise we are telling the truth or swear that we really mean what we are saying, what does this say about us and how people trust what we are saying? What characteristics and traits do you see in people whose word you always trust and believe?
What are some of the traits we need to grow in our own hearts, lives, and words so that people know we mean what we say?
Read: Matthew 4:1-10. With every enticement from the enemy, Jesus said no by quoting Scripture (Each time Jesus says, “It is written” he is quoting from the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament). Why is knowing the teaching of the Bible critically important if we are going to be people who say no to certain things and yes to other things? What are ways we can dig more into the Bible and learn more about what it teaches?
What are specific examples of times we should be ready to speak a clear, bold, uncompromising no? What can you do to be prepared to say no when you face one of these situations?
Tell about a time you said no, it was the right thing to do, but you still faced some tough consequences. Why was it still right to say no, even though it cost you?
How is saying no sometimes the most kind and loving thing we can do? Give an example of a situation you have said no, or you need to say no, as an act of love.
Tell about a recent experience when you said no so that you could say yes to something better. How did this work out over time?