Weekly Reading for January 15 – 21
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Church...Why Bother?Sermon Title: Because the World Needs What We Have
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on January 22, 2017:
- SUNDAY: Matthew 9, Matthew 9,
- MONDAY: Matthew 18, Matthew 18,
- TUESDAY: Matthew 28, Matthew 28,
- WEDNESDAY: John 15, John 15,
- THURSDAY: Acts 1, Acts 1,
- FRIDAY: Luke 15, Luke 15,
- SATURDAY: Proverbs 22, Proverbs 22,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Church...Why Bother?Sermon Title: Because I Was Created for Community
Delivered On: January 15, 2017
Memorize and Reflect
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15:12)Prayer Direction
Ask God to grow your love for the church. Pray that you will build close relationships with God’s people so you can watch their back and they can watch yours. Thank God for His people all over the world and pray for one church you know about that is in another country.“Live It!” Challenge
Support a Brother or Sister Far Away - Contact Outreach Pastor, John Houseman (jhouseman@shorelinechurch.org) and ask if there is a church leader in some other part of the world who needs prayer and a word of encouragement. Ask about one of our mission partners who could use some encouragement and then follow up with a letter sharing your appreciation for their ministry and letting them know you will be praying for them in the coming weeks.Small Group Discussion
Tell about a time that God used other people from His family (the church) to encourage, support, or protect you during a challenging time. How did the strength of God’s family help carry you through that time in your life?
Read: Genesis 2:18 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-20 Why do you think God has made us to be in relationship and community with each other? How are we strengthened when we are in Christian community and how do we become more vulnerable when we move away from community with God’s people?
What are ways we can increase our commitment to being engaged in the fellowship and community of the Church? What is one step you can take in the coming weeks to increase your commitment to be in community with God’s people?
Read: Ecclesiastes 4:12 What are some of the ways Christians are under attack in our world today? How can staying connected with strong followers of Jesus help us stand strong when the battle rages?
What are practical ways we can watch each other’s back, protect each other, and stand strong together?
Read: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 What are some of the worldly teachings that are creeping into the church? Why do we need to hear the Word of God preached with conviction and uncompromising passion if we are going to hold to the truth in a rapidly compromising world?
How does talking with other Christians who hold the same convictions you hold help you stand strong and remain confident in your faith?
Who is a person you have watched through the years that really holds close to Jesus and exemplifies a God-honoring lifestyle? How does being around this person strengthen and even propel your faith forward?
Who is a person that watches you and seeks to follow your example of faith? How can your group members pray for you as you seek to more fully and confidently model a life that lifts up Jesus?
Tell about a time that God used other people from His family (the church) to encourage, support, or protect you during a challenging time. How did the strength of God’s family help carry you through that time in your life?
Read: Genesis 2:18 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-20 Why do you think God has made us to be in relationship and community with each other? How are we strengthened when we are in Christian community and how do we become more vulnerable when we move away from community with God’s people?
What are ways we can increase our commitment to being engaged in the fellowship and community of the Church? What is one step you can take in the coming weeks to increase your commitment to be in community with God’s people?
Read: Ecclesiastes 4:12 What are some of the ways Christians are under attack in our world today? How can staying connected with strong followers of Jesus help us stand strong when the battle rages?
What are practical ways we can watch each other’s back, protect each other, and stand strong together?
Read: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 What are some of the worldly teachings that are creeping into the church? Why do we need to hear the Word of God preached with conviction and uncompromising passion if we are going to hold to the truth in a rapidly compromising world?
How does talking with other Christians who hold the same convictions you hold help you stand strong and remain confident in your faith?
Who is a person you have watched through the years that really holds close to Jesus and exemplifies a God-honoring lifestyle? How does being around this person strengthen and even propel your faith forward?
Who is a person that watches you and seeks to follow your example of faith? How can your group members pray for you as you seek to more fully and confidently model a life that lifts up Jesus?