Weekly Reading for Aug 28 – Sept 3
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: The Dream LifeSermon Title: Out with Bitterness and In with Compassion
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on September 4, 2022:
- SUNDAY: Ephesians 4,
- MONDAY: Proverbs 11-12,
- TUESDAY: Proverbs 15-16,
- WEDNESDAY: Proverbs 18,
- THURSDAY: James 3,
- FRIDAY: Titus 3 , Proverbs 21,
- SATURDAY: Ephesians 4,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: The Dream LifeSermon Title: Out with Dishonesty and Laziness, In with Hard Work and Generosity
Delivered On: August 28, 2022
Memorize and Reflect
Ephesians 4:28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.Prayer Direction
Invite the Holy Spirit to show you where you might be stealing, in big or small ways. Confess these behaviors to God and ask for a changed heart. Pray for a deep and growing commitment to work hard and be honest. Ask for eyes to see needs where you can be generous because you work hard to have more resources than you need.“Live It!” Challenge
My Next Step Toward a Generous Life – Identify one way or one new way you can be generous. Then, take the next step into a life of sharing with others by giving in a specific and tangible way.Small Group Discussion
Tell about a person in your life who has been a hard worker and very generous. How have you seen God work through this person’s life?
Tell about a person (without using a name or giving away who they are) who has been an example of laziness and selfishness. Why is their kind of a lifestyle opposed to the will and ways of Jesus?
Read: Ephesians 4:25-28. What would need to change in a person’s heart and outlook on life for them to move from being a lazy thief to a hard-working and generous person?
What are some of the big ways people steal that seem to be more and more acceptable or ignored?
What are some of the little ways people steal that have become almost common? Why is this so dangerous and harmful?
Why is working and doing something useful with our hands (life) so important to God? When a person does not work or produce something, what are some of the possible consequences?
How does a generous heart and actions reveal the presence and character of God to others?
How does a generous heart and actions reveal the presence and character of God to others?
What is a way you can grow in generosity in the coming weeks and how can your group members pray for you and cheer you on?
What are some of the ways your church uses the generous gifts of God’s people to be a blessing to your community and the world?