Weekly Reading for April 19 – 25
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Super PowersSermon Title: Joy
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on April 26, 2015:
- SUNDAY: Psalm 4, Psalm 4,
- MONDAY: Isaiah 9:1-7, Isaiah 9:1-7,
- TUESDAY: John 16, John 16,
- WEDNESDAY: Romans 14, Romans 14,
- THURSDAY: Hebrew 12, Hebrew 12,
- FRIDAY: James 1, James 1,
- SATURDAY: 1 Peter 1, 1 Peter 1,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Super PowersSermon Title: Love
Delivered On: April 19, 2015
Memorize and Reflect
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John 15:13)Prayer Direction
Ask God to overwhelm you with the greatness of His love and the cost of His sacrifice. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you with commitment and passion to love others, no matter what the cost. Ask God to show you who needs to receive sacrificial love.“Live It!” Challenge
Slowing to See : Make a point of driving slower, walking slower, and moving through your days this week just a bit slower. As you slow down, invite the Holy Spirit to help you see where there are needs and to open your eyes to see who needs to be served with the love of Jesus. Then, take action. At least once or twice this week seek to slow down and serve someone in the name of Jesus.Small Group Discussion
Who was (is) a super hero you like and what super powers does this character have? If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Read: 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
What does love look like according to 1 Corinthians 13 and how is this different than the common cultural understanding of love?How is the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus a perfect picture of true love? How might our lives change if we really believed that love is meant to be sacrificial and costly?
Tell about a person you know who shows love by the way they serve others. What can you learn from the example of this person and how can you begin serving more intentionally in your home, school, work place, church, or social settings?
Read: John 15:9-13 and John 3:16-17
How does walking in God’s commands show our love for God? How does walking in God’s commands help us truly love other people?How can living with too fast of a pace keep us from walking close with God and also keep us from noticing the people around us and loving them well?
What are ways you can slow down and spend more time with God? How will this help you slow down and notice needs around you so that you can love and serve them?
What is one practical action you can take in the coming week that will move you toward loving the people in your life with greater effectiveness?
Who was (is) a super hero you like and what super powers does this character have? If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Read: 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
What does love look like according to 1 Corinthians 13 and how is this different than the common cultural understanding of love?How is the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus a perfect picture of true love? How might our lives change if we really believed that love is meant to be sacrificial and costly?
Tell about a person you know who shows love by the way they serve others. What can you learn from the example of this person and how can you begin serving more intentionally in your home, school, work place, church, or social settings?
Read: John 15:9-13 and John 3:16-17
How does walking in God’s commands show our love for God? How does walking in God’s commands help us truly love other people?How can living with too fast of a pace keep us from walking close with God and also keep us from noticing the people around us and loving them well?
What are ways you can slow down and spend more time with God? How will this help you slow down and notice needs around you so that you can love and serve them?
What is one practical action you can take in the coming week that will move you toward loving the people in your life with greater effectiveness?