Message: “Week 3: Why Does God Allow Injustice and Suffering?” from Dennis McFadden

A message from the series “Explore God.” Suffering and injustice challenge us deeply. We want to know why, but the answers don’t always come. Pastor Dennis McFadden explores the question of why God allows it. He shares we can’t always understand, but we know it’s not because God is distant. Jesus shows God’s love. We’re called to trust God, find comfort in him and each other, and know he is always with us.

Message: “Week 2: Why Believe There Is a God?” from Kevin Harney

A message from the series “Explore God.” Pastor Kevin Harney shares 5 “signposts” that may make skeptics wonder about God’s existence: widespread belief, beauty in nature, order in the universe, humanity’s sense of justice, and mystical encounters with the divine. He says to be open to God revealing himself.

Message: “Week 1: What Is the Purpose of Life?” from Kevin Harney

A message from the series “Explore God.” Exploring the question of life’s purpose, Pastor Kevin Harney recounts Solomon’s vain pursuits of knowledge, achievements, pleasure and wealth. Despite unprecedented wisdom, these left Solomon empty. Only revering God and obeying Him provide true meaning. Christians should continue knowing God; seekers can find purpose moving toward Him. Ask questions—God welcomes sincere searchers.

Message: “Week 10: How to Lead with Integrity” from Kevin Harney

A message from the series “Stand Strong.” Peter wrote to encourage struggling Christians to stand firm spiritually despite persecution. He gave leaders advice on influencing well: lead willingly, serve selflessly, model your teachings, seek reward from Jesus, lead humbly, find peace in Jesus, recognize spiritual battles, and rely on God’s strength.