Weekly Reading for September 24 – 30
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Major Lessons from Minor Prophets, Part TwoSermon Title: Take God Seriously
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on October 1, 2017:
- SUNDAY: Zephaniah 1, Zephaniah 1,
- MONDAY: Zephaniah 2, Zephaniah 2,
- TUESDAY: Zephaniah 3, Zephaniah 3,
- WEDNESDAY: Nahum 1, Nahum 1,
- THURSDAY: Nahum 2, Nahum 2,
- FRIDAY: Nahum 3, Nahum 3,
- SATURDAY: Romans 1-3, Romans 1-3,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Major Lessons from Minor Prophets, Part TwoSermon Title: What God Wants
Delivered On: September 24, 2017
Memorize and Reflect
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)Prayer Direction
Ask God to give you boldness to live for Him and not be intimidated by the people around you (even other Christians). Pray for courage to speak the truth in love, with boldness. Praise God for the hope of heaven and the salvation that is freely offered in Jesus.“Live It!” Challenge
Truth-Telling - What is one word of truth you know God wants you to speak to someone in your life, but you have been holding back because of fear and worry? Pray about what God would have you say, when you should say it, and the tone you should have when you speak these words. Then, in love and with boldness, speak the truth for the sake of healing, growth, and the glory of God.Small Group Discussion
When God looks at our world today, what are some of the things you believe God really wants to see happen?
What is getting in the way of these kinds of things happening, if God really wants them?
Read: Micah 2:6-7, 11 How were the prophets and leaders of Micah’s day telling lies, deceiving themselves, and misleading the people? Why is this so dangerous?
How did Micah confront these powerful people and how do you think they would have taken his convicting words?
Why is it so hard to confront people in places of authority and power? What are some possible consequences if we don’t confront them?
Read: Micah 4:1-4 What kind of future picture does Micah paint? Why is it so important for us to envision heaven and the good things God has stored up for us (even during the very hard times of life)?
Read: Micah 5:1-5 and Micah 7:18-19 What insight do you get to the coming Messiah (Jesus the Savior) through Micah’s prophetic words?
How have you experienced some of these things in your life if you know Jesus as your Savior and Messiah?
Read: Micah 6:6-8 What are specific ways we can: 1) Act justly in the coming week? 2) Show that we love mercy in the coming week? 3) Walk humbly with God on a daily basis?
When God looks at our world today, what are some of the things you believe God really wants to see happen?
What is getting in the way of these kinds of things happening, if God really wants them?
Read: Micah 2:6-7, 11 How were the prophets and leaders of Micah’s day telling lies, deceiving themselves, and misleading the people? Why is this so dangerous?
How did Micah confront these powerful people and how do you think they would have taken his convicting words?
Why is it so hard to confront people in places of authority and power? What are some possible consequences if we don’t confront them?
Read: Micah 4:1-4 What kind of future picture does Micah paint? Why is it so important for us to envision heaven and the good things God has stored up for us (even during the very hard times of life)?
Read: Micah 5:1-5 and Micah 7:18-19 What insight do you get to the coming Messiah (Jesus the Savior) through Micah’s prophetic words?
How have you experienced some of these things in your life if you know Jesus as your Savior and Messiah?
Read: Micah 6:6-8 What are specific ways we can: 1) Act justly in the coming week? 2) Show that we love mercy in the coming week? 3) Walk humbly with God on a daily basis?