Weekly Reading for September 20 – September 26
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: I BelieveSermon Title: Faithfulness…God is faithful and calls us to place our faith in Him!
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on September 27, 2020:
- SUNDAY: Romans 3, Romans 3,
- MONDAY: Romans 13, Romans 13,
- TUESDAY: Romans 14, Romans 14,
- WEDNESDAY: Romans 15, Romans 15,
- THURSDAY: Romans 16, Romans 16,
- FRIDAY: Romans 1-2, Romans 1-2,
- SATURDAY: Romans 3, Romans 3,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Romans Orthodoxy, I BelieveSermon Title: RIGHTEOUSNESS…How a perfect God responds to imperfection
Delivered On: September 20, 2020
Memorize and Reflect
Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4Prayer Direction
Thank Jesus for offering His righteousness to you when He died on the cross and rose again from the dead. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where and when you are acting with a judgmental heart rather than looking to the grace of Jesus. Confess where you have been legalistic toward yourself or others.“Live It!” Challenge
Remember Kindness – Take time to write down at least ten ways God has been kind to you. If there are any areas of your life where you are resisting repenting of sin, read this list and remember that God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance!Small Group Discussion
What are some of the ways people try to make themselves look good in the eyes of God and other people? What are some of the problems we can face if we try to make ourselves look righteous and worthy in the eyes of God?
Read: Romans 2:4. How has God revealed each of these to us?
When we see God’s kindness, receive His kindness, and truly understand how kind God is to us, how can this lead us to repent more quickly and humbly?
Read: Romans 2:2 & 5. What feelings and thoughts strike you when you read about God’s “wrath,” “judgment,” and “righteous judgment”? What do you think the term “righteous judgment” means in terms of God’s response to sin?
When you think through the whole story of the Bible, what are examples of God’s righteous judgment (in the past or prophesied in the future)?
Read: Romans 2:1-5. What are examples of ways people seek to justify their own sin by acting as a judge over the sin of others?
Why is it so dangerous to compare my sins to the sins of others (who are “worse” than me)? How does judging the sins of others do nothing at all to deal with my own sins?
Read: Romans 2:17-24. What are examples of how Christians today can become legalistic? What is the danger of believing our obedience to the law, rules, and regulations can lead to forgiveness and cleansing from sin?
How is the amazing grace of Jesus the only answer for dealing with our sin and bringing righteousness to our heart and life?
What would you say to a Christian who is seeking to become righteous by judging others or being a legalist?
What are some of the ways people try to make themselves look good in the eyes of God and other people? What are some of the problems we can face if we try to make ourselves look righteous and worthy in the eyes of God?
Read: Romans 2:4. How has God revealed each of these to us?
PatienceWhen we see God’s kindness, receive His kindness, and truly understand how kind God is to us, how can this lead us to repent more quickly and humbly?
Read: Romans 2:2 & 5. What feelings and thoughts strike you when you read about God’s “wrath,” “judgment,” and “righteous judgment”? What do you think the term “righteous judgment” means in terms of God’s response to sin?
When you think through the whole story of the Bible, what are examples of God’s righteous judgment (in the past or prophesied in the future)?
Read: Romans 2:1-5. What are examples of ways people seek to justify their own sin by acting as a judge over the sin of others?
Why is it so dangerous to compare my sins to the sins of others (who are “worse” than me)? How does judging the sins of others do nothing at all to deal with my own sins?
Read: Romans 2:17-24. What are examples of how Christians today can become legalistic? What is the danger of believing our obedience to the law, rules, and regulations can lead to forgiveness and cleansing from sin?
How is the amazing grace of Jesus the only answer for dealing with our sin and bringing righteousness to our heart and life?
What would you say to a Christian who is seeking to become righteous by judging others or being a legalist?