Weekly Reading for September 13 – September 19
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Romans Orthodoxy, I BelieveSermon Title: RIGHTEOUSNESS...How a perfect God responds to imperfection
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on September 20, 2020:
- SUNDAY: Romans 2, Romans 2,
- MONDAY: Romans 8, Romans 8,
- TUESDAY: Romans 9, Romans 9,
- WEDNESDAY: Romans 10, Romans 10,
- THURSDAY: Romans 11, Romans 11,
- FRIDAY: Romans 12, Romans 12,
- SATURDAY: Romans 2, Romans 2,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Romans Orthodoxy, I BelieveSermon Title: SIN...It is Real and More Dangerous Than We Realize
Delivered On: September 13, 2020
Memorize and Reflect
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:21 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:21Prayer Direction
Take time to confess where your heart, mind, hands, or life have wandered into sinful practices and behaviors. Ask for the power of the Spirit to walk in grace and turn from specific sin. Thank Jesus for His grace in the midst of our brokenness.“Live It!” Challenge
Identify the Ruts: We all have patterns of sin that can become a part of our life if we are not humble and honest about our struggles. We are wise to look back over the past years and see what spiritual ruts we tend to get into. Spend some time alone and read Romans 1. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify where you tend to fall into a spiritual rut of sin. It could be an attitude, an action, your words, or anything that goes against the will of your heavenly Father. Reflect on what seems to push you back into this sin pattern and seek to repent (turn away from it). Plan ways you can avoid anything that pushes you back into old habits and patterns of sin.Small Group Discussion
What are some possible consequences we will face if your beliefs (orthodoxy) do not shape our actions and practice (orthopraxy)? Why is it so important that we know what we believe and hold to it confidently?
Read: Romans 1:8-10. Describe the apostle Paul’s heart and feelings toward the Christians in Rome? Tell about your relationship with a Christian that you love deeply and pray for often.
Read: Romans 1:18-20. What are the ways that God has revealed His presence and power to all human beings, even those who have never read the Bible?
Tell about a place in creation where you experience the glory and power of God. How have you encountered God in this part of creation?
Read: Romans 1:21-23. How does rebellion against God lead to futile thinking? How does this kind of thinking lead to more sin and rebellion against God?
Read: Romans 1:24-27. How does rebellion against God lead to sexual sin and practices that hurt us and break the heart of the God who made us? How does engagement in sexual sin cause a person to turn away from God even more?
How has our world and culture embraced and affirmed practices that God clearly says are against His will and plan for our lives? What are some of the dangers a person could face if they reject God’s boundaries for sexual expression?
Read: Romans 1:28-31. Why does God stand against the different sinful behaviors listed in this passage? Why do we often look the other way and not treat these as serious sins?
Read: Romans 1:32. At the end of this downward spiral of sin, we hit the absolute bottom…when people approve of ongoing sin! Why is the approval of sin so dangerous?
What are the ways we can stand against sinful practices in our own lives, in the church, and in our world?
What are some possible consequences we will face if your beliefs (orthodoxy) do not shape our actions and practice (orthopraxy)? Why is it so important that we know what we believe and hold to it confidently?
Read: Romans 1:8-10. Describe the apostle Paul’s heart and feelings toward the Christians in Rome? Tell about your relationship with a Christian that you love deeply and pray for often.
Read: Romans 1:18-20. What are the ways that God has revealed His presence and power to all human beings, even those who have never read the Bible?
Tell about a place in creation where you experience the glory and power of God. How have you encountered God in this part of creation?
Read: Romans 1:21-23. How does rebellion against God lead to futile thinking? How does this kind of thinking lead to more sin and rebellion against God?
Read: Romans 1:24-27. How does rebellion against God lead to sexual sin and practices that hurt us and break the heart of the God who made us? How does engagement in sexual sin cause a person to turn away from God even more?
How has our world and culture embraced and affirmed practices that God clearly says are against His will and plan for our lives? What are some of the dangers a person could face if they reject God’s boundaries for sexual expression?
Read: Romans 1:28-31. Why does God stand against the different sinful behaviors listed in this passage? Why do we often look the other way and not treat these as serious sins?
Read: Romans 1:32. At the end of this downward spiral of sin, we hit the absolute bottom…when people approve of ongoing sin! Why is the approval of sin so dangerous?
What are the ways we can stand against sinful practices in our own lives, in the church, and in our world?