Weekly Reading for October 9 – 15
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: How Not to Read the BibleSermon Title: How to Read and Understand the Bible
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on October 16, 2022:
- SUNDAY: 2 Timothy 3,
- MONDAY: 2 Peter 1,
- TUESDAY: James 1,
- WEDNESDAY: Psalm 119:97-120,
- THURSDAY: Psalm 119:121-144,
- FRIDAY: Psalm 119:145-176,
- SATURDAY: Psalm 119,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: How Not to Read the BibleSermon Title: How to Not Read and Understand the Bible
Delivered On: October 9, 2022
Memorize and Reflect
2 Peter 1:20-21Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Prayer Direction
Thank God for the truth, power, and practical nature of the Bible. Ask for deep commitment to read the Bible each day and for the Holy Spirit to help you understand the truth of Scripture.“Live It!” Challenge
50 Day Reading Plan – Shoreline has a great 50 Day Reading Plan (in both English and Spanish). It gives a great overview of the whole Bible.Small Group Discussion
Tell about a time you had a sneaking suspicion (or a clear knowledge) that someone was misusing or misquoting the Bible. Why is this so dangerous?
Read: 2 Timothy 3:14-17. What are some of the values of the Bible being loved, read and part of the life if a family of faith? What can we miss out on if the Bible is not in our hearts and homes?
What is the problem with reading the Bible sporadically and only when we are in a desperate moment?
What is the value of having a Bible reading plan or strategy? Tell about a time you read the Bible regularly and strategically and explain how this impacted your faith.
Read: 2 Peter 1:19-21. How have you experienced the reliability of the Bible in your life, home, or family? Why is it important that we know that we can’t make up fanciful and personal interpretations of the Bible?
Why is it so tempting to try to impose our ideas and convictions on the Bible? Why is this so dangerous and damaging?
What is the danger of using the Bible to beat non-Christians over the head? What are examples of how Christians do this and how can we avoid these practices?
If we read the Bible through the attitudes and norms of people in America in 2022, what damage can this do? Why is it essential that we learn about the context of where and when the Bible was written?
Why is it essential that we don’t read the Bible passively but let it change our attitudes, thinking, and lifestyle? Tell about a way your life has changed because you learned a truth from the Bible.