Weekly Reading for October 7 – 13
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Sharing God's Love NaturallySermon Title: The Case for the Gospel
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on October 14, 2018:
- SUNDAY: Matthew 9, Matthew 9,
- MONDAY: 2 Corinthians 5, 2 Corinthians 5,
- TUESDAY: Acts 2, Acts 2,
- WEDNESDAY: John 14, John 14,
- THURSDAY: Acts 16, Acts 16,
- FRIDAY: Matthew 28, Matthew 28,
- SATURDAY: 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Corinthians 15,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Sharing God's Love NaturallySermon Title: How God's Word Still Changes the World
Delivered On: October 7, 2018
Memorize and Reflect
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)Prayer Direction
Ask for a hunger for the Word of God. Pray for a heart that is eager to receive the Word of God and an attitude that is bold and courageous to implement the truth of God’s Word. As you pray ask for the truth of God’s Word to reveal areas of your life that can reflect Jesus more visibly.“Live It!” Challenge
The words in the Bible are spoken directly by God. How amazing! He said that as you apply the Word of God you will be ‘thoroughly equipped for every good work.” What are some good works that you can participate in today that the Word of God has prepared you to do?Small Group Discussion
Read: Isaiah 55:10-11. What does it mean that the Word of God will not return void? How can you apply this truth to your life in the most practical manner?
Give examples of times the Word of God has brought you peace in a difficult time of your life? When has the truth of the Word of God challenged you to do something out of your comfort zone?
Read: Romans 15:20. Paul explains in verse 19 that he “fully presented the Good News of Christ from Jerusalem to Illyricum.” Now he is ready to preach the Good News where it has never been heard. What does that look like in your life, to take the gospel where it has never been? Why is it important for Christians to be aware of those who have never heard?
In 1 Peter 1:23 the Bible refers to itself as an “incorruptible seed”. That means there is nothing that this world has to offer that will nurture this seed. What are some of the pollutions of this world and temptations of Satan that can affect this seed from growing to become all that God has planned?
God’s way is perfect. His Word is flawless! Psalms 18:30 sets an impressive standard when referring to the Word of God. Why do we sometimes choose to neglect the counsel from the Word of God? What are things we can do in our own lives to help assure we are walking within this perfect and flawless counsel?
Share your favorite, life-changing verse with your small group. Why is this verse so meaningful to you? How are you going to go deeper in the Word of God this coming year?
Read: Isaiah 55:10-11. What does it mean that the Word of God will not return void? How can you apply this truth to your life in the most practical manner?
Give examples of times the Word of God has brought you peace in a difficult time of your life? When has the truth of the Word of God challenged you to do something out of your comfort zone?
Read: Romans 15:20. Paul explains in verse 19 that he “fully presented the Good News of Christ from Jerusalem to Illyricum.” Now he is ready to preach the Good News where it has never been heard. What does that look like in your life, to take the gospel where it has never been? Why is it important for Christians to be aware of those who have never heard?
In 1 Peter 1:23 the Bible refers to itself as an “incorruptible seed”. That means there is nothing that this world has to offer that will nurture this seed. What are some of the pollutions of this world and temptations of Satan that can affect this seed from growing to become all that God has planned?
God’s way is perfect. His Word is flawless! Psalms 18:30 sets an impressive standard when referring to the Word of God. Why do we sometimes choose to neglect the counsel from the Word of God? What are things we can do in our own lives to help assure we are walking within this perfect and flawless counsel?
Share your favorite, life-changing verse with your small group. Why is this verse so meaningful to you? How are you going to go deeper in the Word of God this coming year?