November 3 – 9

Weekly Reading for November 3 – 9

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Living in 3D
Sermon Title: Discover Your God-Given Gifting

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on November 10, 2024:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: Radical
Sermon Title: Unbreakable Unity in a Contentious Climate
Delivered On: November 3, 2024


Memorize and Reflect

Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

Prayer Direction

Read: John 17:20-23. Thank Jesus for His amazing grace and love for you as you reflect on His prayer for you and all believers yet to come. Ask Him to show you areas in your life where you are not walking in unity with the Spirit of God. Confess those to Him and ask for forgiveness. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you grow in unity within your family and the church.

“Live It!” Challenge

Humbly Serving:This is a great way to put into practice the prayer of Jesus and the model of the early church. This week, look for a specific way to serve the church. If you attend Shoreline Church, a great place to start is to go to the website to see what service opportunities there are for you. Commit to praying and discerning which of those opportunities would be best for you and your gifting. Follow through by filling out the “I’m Interested in Serving form.” Share with someone you know that you did this and ask for them to pray that you would follow through in serving the church.

Small Group Discussion

  1. Where have you seen churches that embody a unified church? What were the qualities the church exhibited and how did that impact the church growth and the local community?

  2. Read: John 17:20-23. What was Jesus communicating in His “High Priestly Prayer (many biblical scholars believe this is the true Lord’s Prayer.)?

  3. Why would Jesus want His followers to understand this important aspect of life? How might this be distinctive within the church and stand out in that time of history and culture?

  4. Read: Acts 2:42-47. What specific acts did the followers of Jesus conduct that helped them grow in unity?

  5. How did that impact the church and the people in and around Jerusalem? How might something similar make a difference in your local community?

  6. Read: Ephesians 4:1-3. What was the Apostle Paul communicating to the church at Ephesus? What do you think might have been happening in that church?

  7. As you reflect on this week’s message, how might you help build unity within your family and local church? Be specific and ask your group to pray for you as you take the steps to do so.