Weekly Reading for October 1 – 7
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Major Lessons from Minor Prophets, Part TwoSermon Title: The Hope of Healing and Restoration
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on October 8, 2017:
- SUNDAY: Ezra 3-4, Ezra 3-4,
- MONDAY: Haggai 1-2, Haggai 1-2,
- TUESDAY: Zechariah 1-3, Zechariah 1-3,
- WEDNESDAY: Zechariah 4-6, Zechariah 4-6,
- THURSDAY: Zechariah 7-9, Zechariah 7-9,
- FRIDAY: Zechariah 10-12, Zechariah 10-12,
- SATURDAY: Zechariah 13-14, Ezra 6, Zechariah 13-14, Ezra 6,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Major Lessons from Minor Prophets, Part TwoSermon Title: Take God Seriously
Delivered On: October 1, 2017
Memorize and Reflect
The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet. (Nahum 1:3)Prayer Direction
Pray for the next generation in your family to love and follow Jesus. Ask God to help you share faith with the next generation in the church, your family, and others God brings into your life. Ask God to give you strength to follow His leading and Word so that you do not have to experience discipline when you walk away from God’s plan for your life.“Live It!” Challenge
Remember God’s Goodness - Take time to make a list of four or five ways God has been good to you over the past year. Put these on a card and post it somewhere you will see it often. Remember God’s goodness to you and let these reminders inspire you to walk in obedience to His leading and direction for your life.Small Group Discussion
Tell about a family member or person who has invested in your spiritual growth over the years. What did they do and how did their life help you mature in your faith?
Who is one person you are seeking to help grow in their faith? How can you spend more time and energy helping the next generation know and love Jesus?
Read: Nahum 1:1-3 How do you feel when you read that God is a just God who will actually judge sin and not look the other way and ignore injustice? In what ways does this make you feel good? In what ways does this make you feel uncomfortable?
If God ignored injustice and sin, what would that tell us about His character?
How do you feel when you read that God is patient and slow to anger? How have you experienced God’s patience in your life?
Read: Nahum 1:7 How has God been good to you and been your refuge during the hard times of life? What would these hard times have been like if God was not there to protect and watch over you?
Read: Nahum 1:14 and Nahum 3:9 God clearly declared that the city of Nineveh would fall and come under judgment. How can judgment be an act of God’s love for the world?
Why is it dangerous to ignore the warnings of the Bible and the warning-whispers of the Holy Spirit? How can God’s discipline be an act of love for His children when we ignore His warnings and the teaching of His Word?
Tell about a family member or person who has invested in your spiritual growth over the years. What did they do and how did their life help you mature in your faith?
Who is one person you are seeking to help grow in their faith? How can you spend more time and energy helping the next generation know and love Jesus?
Read: Nahum 1:1-3 How do you feel when you read that God is a just God who will actually judge sin and not look the other way and ignore injustice? In what ways does this make you feel good? In what ways does this make you feel uncomfortable?
If God ignored injustice and sin, what would that tell us about His character?
How do you feel when you read that God is patient and slow to anger? How have you experienced God’s patience in your life?
Read: Nahum 1:7 How has God been good to you and been your refuge during the hard times of life? What would these hard times have been like if God was not there to protect and watch over you?
Read: Nahum 1:14 and Nahum 3:9 God clearly declared that the city of Nineveh would fall and come under judgment. How can judgment be an act of God’s love for the world?
Why is it dangerous to ignore the warnings of the Bible and the warning-whispers of the Holy Spirit? How can God’s discipline be an act of love for His children when we ignore His warnings and the teaching of His Word?