Weekly Reading for October 16 – 22
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Get RealSermon Title: When We Get Real About Our Finances, God Provides for Us
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on October 23, 2022:
- SUNDAY: Matthew 6,
- MONDAY: Mark 12,
- TUESDAY: Matthew 19,
- WEDNESDAY: Luke 16,
- THURSDAY: Philippians 4,
- FRIDAY: 1 Timothy 6,
- SATURDAY: Ecclesiastes 5,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: How NOT to Read the BibleSermon Title: How to Read and Understand the Bible
Delivered On: October 16, 2022
Memorize and Reflect
James 1:22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Prayer Direction
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a fresh passion and desire to read and follow the Bible. Pray for courage to do what the Bible says in every area of your life.“Live It!” Challenge
50 Day Reading Plan – Shoreline has a great 50 Day Reading Plan (in both English and Spanish). It gives a great overview of the whole Bible.Small Group Discussion
Tell about a time you read the Bible and it really had a significant impact on your life. How did you change or grow because of what God taught you through His Word?
Read: James 1:22-25. What warnings or exhortations do you find in this short passage?
How have you experienced blessing through reading and following the teaching of the Bible?
Read: Psalm 119:105-108. According to this passage, what can the Bible do in our life? How have you experienced this to be true?
Why is it so important to pray as we read the Bible? How can we actually pray the words of Scripture?
What gets in the way of you reading the Bible on a daily basis and what can you do to overcome these hurdles?
Why is it essential that we understand the biblical and cultural context passages in the Scriptures? What have you done to learn to dig into the history and background of various sections of the Bible?
How can our biblical learning and understanding increase if we read the Bible with other people and listen to what God is teaching them?
What are some of the ways we can respond when we read a Bible passage that rubs against our view of things? What is a Jesus-honoring way to respond in these moments?
How can your group members pray for you and cheer you on as you grow in your love for, and commitment to read and follow, the teaching of the Bible?