Weekly Reading for November 22 – November 28
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: I Will, (Romans Orthopraxy)Sermon Title: I Will Beware
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on November 29, 2020:
- SUNDAY: 2 Timothy 4,
- MONDAY: 1 John 4,
- TUESDAY: 2 Peter 1 ,
- WEDNESDAY: 2 Peter 2 ,
- THURSDAY: Matthew 23,
- FRIDAY: Romans 16,
- SATURDAY: 1 Timothy 6 ,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: I Will, (Romans Orthopraxy)Sermon Title: I Will Proclaim
Delivered On: November 22, 2020
Memorize and Reflect
… He gave me the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. [bible}Romans 15:16[/bible]Prayer Direction
Pray for family and friends you love and care about who do not yet know the love and grace of Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you courage and opportunities to share the message of Jesus with these people. Ask God to give you a committed heart to learn how to share your faith in natural and organic ways.“Live It!” Challenge
Practice, Practice, Practice – Take time in the coming week to practice sharing your testimony of when you became a Christian, a testimony of God’s power in your life, and the simple message (gospel) of Jesus. It is best to do this with a person who loves Jesus and who can tell you what you shared that was clear and helpful and where you can be more effective in sharing these life-changing stories of faith. If you want help in learning to share these testimonies, call the Shoreline outreach office. We are here to help you!Small Group Discussion
Who shared the message of God’s love and the story of Jesus with you? What did they do well as they shared their faith with you?
Talk about a time you tried to share your faith. How did it go?
Read: Matthew 5:13-16 and Romans 15:14-16 - What is God’s desire for people who are not yet following His Son Jesus? What is our part in fulfilling the desire of God’s heart?
What gets in the way of some Christians sharing their faith in consistent and clear ways? What can we do to remove these obstacles?
Read: Romans 15:16 - What was Paul’s mission and calling? What do you believe God has called you to do with your life?
The word gospel means “Good news.” Why is the message of Jesus good news for our world? How has the message of Jesus been good news in your life?
The apostle Paul (the person God inspired to write the letter of Romans) loved to tell his story of how God entered his life and changed him radically. How has God changed your life, attitudes, dreams, and actions? How can these changes point to God’s presence, power, and goodness?
Read: Romans 15:17-22 - How was Paul’s life transformed by the power of Jesus? How have you seen God transform a person’s life after coming to faith in Jesus?
Read: Romans 15:17-18 - Paul is clear that he is leading people to Jesus by what he says and does. Why are our actions important when we tell people about Jesus? Why are our words needed along with actions that show the love and presence of God?
When you look out your window, right where God has placed you, who are two or three people you see than need to know about Jesus? What can you do to shine the light of Jesus in the lives of these people?
When you think about people in the 10/40 window, what happens in your heart? How can we pray and reach out to this part of the world?