Nov 21 – Nov 27

Weekly Reading for Nov 21 – Nov 27

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Count Your Blessings
Sermon Title: Count Your Blessings

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on November 28, 2021:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: I Saw Heaven Opened
Sermon Title: A Sneak Preview of the End of Time and the Beginning of Eternity
Delivered On: November 21, 2021


Memorize and Reflect

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Prayer Direction

Pray for God to strengthen your faith and confidence in His promises of heaven and eternal life with Him. Ask for peace, strength, and confidence as you face the challenges of living in a broken and sinful world and a decaying and breaking body. Ask God to give you the boldness and courage to share your testimony with one other person this week.

“Live It!” Challenge

Heaven is my home!- How about you? Identify one person in your life that is not a follower of Jesus Christ. Invite them to read Revelation 21:1-5 and Revelation 22: 1-5 with you. Share with them your understanding of those verses, what that means to you, and why your faith in Jesus Christ gives you the confidence to know this will be your destination one day. Share your faith story and the good news of Jesus with them and invite them to share what they believe about Heaven and Jesus.

Small Group Discussion

  1. Tell about a time when you were lost, enduring a grueling race, struggling at your job or in school, etc. Describe how it felt to finally make it to your destination, to cross the finish line, to get the promotion, to get your diploma, etc.?

  2. Read: Revelation 21:1-5. What are some of the images that you see as you hear these words? What words come to mind as you visualize these verses of scripture? How do these words encourage you and give you confidence in what you might be facing right now?

  3. Read: Revelation 21:6-8. What images come to your mind as you read these verses? Contrast the two different destinations for those who are in Christ and for those who are not. How does this move us?

  4. What might be one step you could take to reach out to a family member or friend who doesn’t yet know Jesus?

  5. Read: Revelation 22:1-5. What are some of the images that you visualize as you hear these verses? What words come to mind as you visualize these verses of scripture?

  6. What are some ways that our world and culture tries to convince us life on earth is all there is?

  7. What are some temporary things in your life that when compared to the eternal truths of scripture and the promises found in the Book of Revelation hold little to no value or pale in comparison?

  8. How can this group pray for you and encourage you to have a heavenly mindset in what you might be walking through right now?