Weekly Reading for May 29 – June 4
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Real FaithSermon Title: Real Faith Stands Strong in Trials and Hard Times
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on June 5, 2016:
- SUNDAY: James 1, James 1,
- MONDAY: James 2, James 2,
- TUESDAY: James 3, James 3,
- WEDNESDAY: James 4, James 4,
- THURSDAY: James 5, James 5,
- FRIDAY: 2 Corinthians 11-12, 2 Corinthians 11-12,
- SATURDAY: Matthew 26-27, Matthew 26-27,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: May 2016Sermon Title: Is It Time to Get Out of the Stands and Into the Game?
Delivered On: May 29, 2016
Memorize and Reflect
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16)Prayer Direction
Ask God to make you aware of opportunities to get out of the stands and into the game and to give you the courage to take action.“Live It!” Challenge
Get out of the stands and into the game! Identify one way you will get into the game. It may be joining a Growth Group or study, volunteering in a ministry, or reaching out to someone who does not yet know Jesus. Then take action. A great place to start is the Shoreline website at www.shorelinechurch.org or the Connections Center.Small Group Discussion
Read: Ephesians 4:14-16 and Hebrews 5:11-14
Explain the dangers of being spiritually immature?How would you describe spiritual maturity?
Read: Romans 12:1
What does it mean to offer your body as a living sacrifice?How is this demonstrated in your life?
Read: Romans 12:3-8
How does diversity of gifts allow the Body of Christ to function most effectively?Have you taken a Spiritual Gifts class and/or assessment?
If not, what has stopped you?
If so, what are your Spiritual Gifts and how are you using them?Read: Matthew 9:37-38
What was Jesus saying to his disciples?What is he saying to you?
Read: James 1:22
James challenges us to not just hear the word, but to do what is says. What action are you ready to take now?How can this group help as you move forward?
Read: Ephesians 4:14-16 and Hebrews 5:11-14
Explain the dangers of being spiritually immature?How would you describe spiritual maturity?
Read: Romans 12:1
What does it mean to offer your body as a living sacrifice?How is this demonstrated in your life?
Read: Romans 12:3-8
How does diversity of gifts allow the Body of Christ to function most effectively?Have you taken a Spiritual Gifts class and/or assessment?
If not, what has stopped you?
If so, what are your Spiritual Gifts and how are you using them?Read: Matthew 9:37-38
What was Jesus saying to his disciples?What is he saying to you?
Read: James 1:22
James challenges us to not just hear the word, but to do what is says. What action are you ready to take now?How can this group help as you move forward?