Weekly Reading for May 12 – 18
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Meeting JesusSermon Title: Jesus... The Great Story Teller
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on May 19, 2019:
- SUNDAY: Luke 8, Luke 8,
- MONDAY: Luke 10, Luke 10,
- TUESDAY: Luke 12, Luke 12,
- WEDNESDAY: Luke 15, Luke 15,
- THURSDAY: Luke 16, Luke 16,
- FRIDAY: Luke 18, Luke 18,
- SATURDAY: Luke 19, Luke 19,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Meeting JesusSermon Title: Jesus... The Fulfillment of Prophecy
Delivered On: May 12, 2019
Memorize and Reflect
“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; On those living in the shadow of death a light has dawned.“ (Matthew 4:16)Prayer Direction
Thank Jesus for willingly coming to this world as one of us, in human flesh, and for taking our sins and pain on the cross. Ask Jesus to shine His light in you so brightly that it reflects to every person you meet. Ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to give you strength to live more like Jesus with every passing day.“Live It!” Challenge
Willing to Count the Cost: Willing to Count the Cost When the crowds came to arrest Jesus and put him on trial, He did not resist. He went to the cross and suffered beyond our comprehension. Jesus willingly suffered for us. When our Savior walked on this earth, He called us to be ready to deny our desires and lay down our life for Him. Identify one way you could willingly suffer and count the cost for Jesus. Then, make this sacrifice instead of avoiding it.Small Group Discussion
Read: Matthew 1:18-23. What is strange and surprising about the birth of Jesus?
Read: Matthew 2:16-18. Jesus is born into a broken, violent, and hate-filled world. How does this speak to the very need for Him to enter our world?
How is Jesus still the solution to our world’s brokenness?
Read: Matthew 4:12-17. How have you experienced Jesus shining light into your heart and life?
What can we do to reflect His light in your home, family, school, work place, or anywhere you go?
Read: Matthew 8:14-17. How have you seen or experienced the healing touch of Jesus (physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, or some other way)?
Read: Matthew 12:15-21. Matthew draws from the prophecy of Isaiah as he reminds us of God’s plan to bring justice and hope to all the nations through Jesus the Messiah. Why is it essential for Christians to embrace the reality that Jesus came for to offer grace and forgiveness to all people?
How can we join with Jesus in bringing His love, grace, and truth to our broken world? (Seek to be as specific and practical as possible).
Read: Matthew 21:1-7. Jesus could have come as a conquering warrior but He chose to come as a humble servant. Why is it important for those who follow Jesus to engage with others with a heart and actions guided by humility? What are ways we can grow in humility?
Read: Matthew 1:18-23. What is strange and surprising about the birth of Jesus?
Read: Matthew 2:16-18. Jesus is born into a broken, violent, and hate-filled world. How does this speak to the very need for Him to enter our world?
How is Jesus still the solution to our world’s brokenness?
Read: Matthew 4:12-17. How have you experienced Jesus shining light into your heart and life?
What can we do to reflect His light in your home, family, school, work place, or anywhere you go?
Read: Matthew 8:14-17. How have you seen or experienced the healing touch of Jesus (physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, or some other way)?
Read: Matthew 12:15-21. Matthew draws from the prophecy of Isaiah as he reminds us of God’s plan to bring justice and hope to all the nations through Jesus the Messiah. Why is it essential for Christians to embrace the reality that Jesus came for to offer grace and forgiveness to all people?
How can we join with Jesus in bringing His love, grace, and truth to our broken world? (Seek to be as specific and practical as possible).
Read: Matthew 21:1-7. Jesus could have come as a conquering warrior but He chose to come as a humble servant. Why is it important for those who follow Jesus to engage with others with a heart and actions guided by humility? What are ways we can grow in humility?