Weekly Reading for March 29 – April 4
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: BecauseSermon Title: Because He Lives...I Love
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on April 5, 2020:
- SUNDAY: 1 John 1-2, 1 John 1-2,
- MONDAY: 1 John 3-4, 1 John 3-4,
- TUESDAY: 1 John 5, 1 John 5,
- WEDNESDAY: Ephesians 2, Ephesians 4, Ephesians 2, Ephesians 4,
- THURSDAY: John 8, John 8,
- FRIDAY: Matthew 5, Matthew 5,
- SATURDAY: John 20-21, John 20-21,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: The Pathway to PeaceSermon Title: The Product of Peace
Delivered On: March 29, 2020
Memorize and Reflect
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13Prayer Direction
Ask God to grow your love for the people in your life and for a gracious and kind spirit as you interact with them. Pray for our local, state, and national leaders to feel God’s peace and to lead with wisdom. Ask the Holy Spirit to shine the light of Jesus through you and that people will see Jesus and be drawn to Him. Pray for a generous heart and for all who are part of Shoreline to continue being generous no matter what the financial situation we face.“Live It!” Challenge
I Am Content! Think about all you have and declare to God, “I am content with this.” Then, imagine that you had less than you do now and ask God to make you content with any situation you might face. Remember that contentment is not primarily about what you have, but who has you! You are in the hands of Jesus.Small Group Discussion
What is your stress level right now? From 1-10 (1 being very peaceful and 10 being radically stressed out) how would you rate your stress level and what is pushing your stress buttons?
If you feel peaceful, or have moments of peace, what realities are you thinking about that bring you peace. What actions are you taking that bring you peace and how can you do more of these things?
Read: Philippians 1:3-8. According to this passage, how did Paul feel about the people in the church in Philippi? Describe their relationship.
What are some ways you can pray more for the people God has placed in your life…and to do so with deeper affection and care?
Read: Philippians 1:12-14. How is it possible that Paul being in jail and persecuted could actually help to advance the work of the gospel of Jesus?
Tell about a time you faced something hard and painful that God actually used for something good. How can our behavior in hard times become a witness to the presence, power, and goodness of Jesus?
Read: Philippians 1:18-26. How is living in this world and following Jesus harder than being with Jesus? Why is it so important that we humbly serve and sacrifice in this life and how does this make us more like Jesus?
What is one act of consistent service or sacrifice God has called you to offer to others and how can your group members pray for you and cheer you on as you live for Jesus in this area of your life?
Read: Philippians 4:10-19. What does it mean to be content in every situation? Tell about a time you had very little but still felt the presence and goodness of God?
What steps can you take to be more content and focus less on what you don’t have? How can your group members pray for you as you grow more content?
What is your stress level right now? From 1-10 (1 being very peaceful and 10 being radically stressed out) how would you rate your stress level and what is pushing your stress buttons?
If you feel peaceful, or have moments of peace, what realities are you thinking about that bring you peace. What actions are you taking that bring you peace and how can you do more of these things?
Read: Philippians 1:3-8. According to this passage, how did Paul feel about the people in the church in Philippi? Describe their relationship.
What are some ways you can pray more for the people God has placed in your life…and to do so with deeper affection and care?
Read: Philippians 1:12-14. How is it possible that Paul being in jail and persecuted could actually help to advance the work of the gospel of Jesus?
Tell about a time you faced something hard and painful that God actually used for something good. How can our behavior in hard times become a witness to the presence, power, and goodness of Jesus?
Read: Philippians 1:18-26. How is living in this world and following Jesus harder than being with Jesus? Why is it so important that we humbly serve and sacrifice in this life and how does this make us more like Jesus?
What is one act of consistent service or sacrifice God has called you to offer to others and how can your group members pray for you and cheer you on as you live for Jesus in this area of your life?
Read: Philippians 4:10-19. What does it mean to be content in every situation? Tell about a time you had very little but still felt the presence and goodness of God?
What steps can you take to be more content and focus less on what you don’t have? How can your group members pray for you as you grow more content?