Weekly Reading for March 25 – 31
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: EasterSermon Title: Real Death and Real Resurrection
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on April 1, 2018:
- SUNDAY: Matthew 26, Matthew 26,
- MONDAY: Matthew 27, Matthew 27,
- TUESDAY: Matthew 28, Matthew 28,
- WEDNESDAY: Luke 22, Luke 22,
- THURSDAY: Luke 23, Luke 23,
- FRIDAY: Luke 24, Luke 24,
- SATURDAY: John 20-21, John 20-21,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Metrics: Measurements that MatterSermon Title: Organic Outreach
Delivered On: March 25, 2018
Memorize and Reflect
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)Prayer Direction
Pray for two or three people you care about who are not yet followers of Jesus. Ask God to soften their heart to God’s love and also for personal boldness to share the truth of Jesus at the right time and in the right way.“Live It!” Challenge
Tell Your Story and His Story Take time this week to practice telling the story of how you came to faith in Jesus. Find a Christian friend who will let you share the story of your conversion. Talk about who told you about Jesus, how you heard the story of His life, death, and resurrection, and how you surrendered your life and committed to follow Jesus. Then, ask them to tell you what made sense and how you could communicate this important story with greater clarity.Small Group Discussion
Tell about how you first heard the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and when it first made sense to you. Share about when you became a follower of Jesus and how your faith in Jesus has impacted your life.
How did God use a variety of people in your life to point you to Jesus and help you learn to follow Him? Who were some of these people and what have you learned from their example of sharing Jesus in natural ways?
Read: Matthew 28:18-20 What do you think it means to “Make disciples”? How do we do this? What does a disciple look like? How can we help people become disciples and grow as followers of Jesus?
Who is one person you love and care about that does not yet follow and walk with Jesus? How are you seeking to reach out to them, love them with God’s love, and point them toward Jesus?
Read: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 According to this passage, what is the gospel? Why is it necessary for a follower of Jesus to believe each of these three things: 1) Jesus paid the price for our sins; 2) Jesus died and was buried; 3) Jesus rose from the dead.
What are some of the reasons Christians have a hard time telling others about Jesus? What gets in the way of us boldly sharing our faith?
What can help us overcome our fears and the obstacles that keep us from sharing our faith?
Tell about a person you walked with as they came to faith in Jesus. What part did God have you play in this person’s journey to faith (prayer, friendship, invited them to church, shared the story of Jesus, had spiritual conversations…)? How has their life changed since they became a follower of Jesus?
Tell about how you first heard the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and when it first made sense to you. Share about when you became a follower of Jesus and how your faith in Jesus has impacted your life.
How did God use a variety of people in your life to point you to Jesus and help you learn to follow Him? Who were some of these people and what have you learned from their example of sharing Jesus in natural ways?
Read: Matthew 28:18-20 What do you think it means to “Make disciples”? How do we do this? What does a disciple look like? How can we help people become disciples and grow as followers of Jesus?
Who is one person you love and care about that does not yet follow and walk with Jesus? How are you seeking to reach out to them, love them with God’s love, and point them toward Jesus?
Read: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 According to this passage, what is the gospel? Why is it necessary for a follower of Jesus to believe each of these three things: 1) Jesus paid the price for our sins; 2) Jesus died and was buried; 3) Jesus rose from the dead.
What are some of the reasons Christians have a hard time telling others about Jesus? What gets in the way of us boldly sharing our faith?
What can help us overcome our fears and the obstacles that keep us from sharing our faith?
Tell about a person you walked with as they came to faith in Jesus. What part did God have you play in this person’s journey to faith (prayer, friendship, invited them to church, shared the story of Jesus, had spiritual conversations…)? How has their life changed since they became a follower of Jesus?