Weekly Reading for March 14 – March 20
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Elijah or Elisha? Stories of Courageous FaithSermon Title: A Bigger Blessing than I Can Handle
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on March 21, 2021:
- SUNDAY: 2 Kings 2,
- MONDAY: 2 Kings 3,
- TUESDAY: 2 Kings 4,
- WEDNESDAY: 2 Kings 5-6,
- THURSDAY: 2 Kings 7,
- FRIDAY: 2 Kings 8-9:1,
- SATURDAY: 2 Kings 13,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Elijah or Elisha? Stories of Courageous FaithSermon Title: Following God with Radical Boldness
Delivered On: March 14, 2021
Memorize and Reflect
1Kings 19:21 21 So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his servant.Prayer Direction
Ask God to help you hear His call to follow Jesus with greater clarity and for the courage to walk with Jesus no matter what the cost. Pray for God's grace and forgiveness for the times God has called you to follow when you have been too busy, distracted, or focused on your own goals. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to follow the will of God for your life no matter what the cost!“Live It!” Challenge
My Next Step - Most of us have a step of faith and obedience we know the Lord has been calling us to take for weeks, months, or even years. Have the courage to take this step today! Or as soon as you possibly can. Ask for strength to move forward and then, do it.Small Group Discussion
What are some of the top things that keep Christians from following Jesus with absolute devotion? What can we do to overcome these obstacles?
Read: 1 Kings 19:19-21 - What was Elisha doing when the Lord (through Elijah) called him to follow? Tell about a time that God nudged or gave you life-direction when you were in the flow of a normal day.
Elisha burned his bridges to the past (literally). What are some of the ways we can force ourselves to follow Jesus by closing doors to the safety nets of the past?
Elisha made his commitment to follow Yahweh very public. He had a community BBQ with his own oxen and he cooked them on the tools of his trade. What are ways we can make our intention to follow Jesus clear to:
- Ourself
- Close friends
- Our church
- The world (people we know who are not yet Christians)God speaks to us first and foremost through the Bible, His Word. Tell about a time God spoke to you and gave life-direction through the Scriptures. How did you respond and how has this impacted your life?
What is something or someone you need to say goodbye to if you are going to fully follow Jesus? How can your group members pray for you and support you as you take this bold and courageous step?
God used Elijah to call Elisha. How has God used faithful people to help call you and challenge you to take big steps forward in your faith? Why is it such a blessing to have people like this in our life?
What is a big prayer you are lifting to the Lord right now and how can your group members partner with you in prayer in this area?