June 28 – July 4

Weekly Reading for June 28 – July 4

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Take it Up a Notch
Sermon Title: A New View of Judging Others

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on July 5, 2015:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: Take it Up a Notch
Sermon Title: How to Practice Your Faith in Private
Delivered On: June 21, 2015


Memorize and Reflect

“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven" (Matthew 6:1)

Prayer Direction

Pray for a renewed commitment to prayer, fasting, and generous giving. Also, ask God to help you develop these three practices in a way that will honor Him and not promote yourself.

“Live It!” Challenge

Generous Giving: Pray about a special gift you could give to people in need and give this with no fanfare or self-promotion. If you don’t know of specific needs, give a special gif to Shoreline’s food pantry or clothes closet so we can purchase items people need.

Small Group Discussion

  1. What is the difference between these two ways to live our faith:
    - A self-centered faith (all about what I get out of it or what people think about me)
    - A God-centered faith (all about God’s Glory and doing God’s will)

  2. Read: Matthew 6:5-6
    What are some examples of how our prayers can become all about what others think of us instead of a real connection with God?

  3. How can we grow our prayer life to be a real, intimate, life-impacting connection with God? What kind of prayer most connects you to God (confession, praise, supplication, thanksgiving…)?

  4. Read: Matthew 6:16-18
    How can fasting connect us to God and help us focus on His love and presence?

  5. What are some of the things we can fast from and how can this time of fasting make more space and time to worship God and serve Him?

  6. Read: Matthew 6:2-4 and Matthew 6:19-21
    Why is private giving important to God? How can we lose the true rewards God wants to give us when we make giving about receiving praise and credit?

  7. How can we know what things we should give our money toward? What really lasts forever … What is heavenly treasure?

  8. When Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” what do you think He is getting at? How can we invest more of our heart and treasures in the things that honor and glorify God?

  9. What is the difference between these two ways to live our faith:
    - A self-centered faith (all about what I get out of it or what people think about me)
    - A God-centered faith (all about God’s Glory and doing God’s will)

  10. Read: Matthew 6:5-6
    What are some examples of how our prayers can become all about what others think of us instead of a real connection with God?

  11. How can we grow our prayer life to be a real, intimate, life-impacting connection with God? What kind of prayer most connects you to God (confession, praise, supplication, thanksgiving…)?

  12. Read: Matthew 6:16-18
    How can fasting connect us to God and help us focus on His love and presence?

  13. What are some of the things we can fast from and how can this time of fasting make more space and time to worship God and serve Him?

  14. Read: Matthew 6:2-4 and Matthew 6:19-21
    Why is private giving important to God? How can we lose the true rewards God wants to give us when we make giving about receiving praise and credit?

  15. How can we know what things we should give our money toward? What really lasts forever … What is heavenly treasure?

  16. When Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” what do you think He is getting at? How can we invest more of our heart and treasures in the things that honor and glorify God?