Weekly Reading for June 19 – 25
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Real FaithSermon Title: Pure Pleasure
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on June 26, 2016:
- SUNDAY: James 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:17, Deuteronomy 8:7-9, James 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:17, Deuteronomy 8:7-9,
- MONDAY: John 15:15, Romans 8:31, John 15:15, Romans 8:31,
- TUESDAY: Psalm 35:27, 2 Samuel 22:20, Psalm 35:27, 2 Samuel 22:20,
- WEDNESDAY: Ecclesiastes 5:19-20, Ecclesiastes 8:15, Ecclesiastes 5:19-20, Ecclesiastes 8:15,
- THURSDAY: Titus 1:15, Colossians 2:20-22, Titus 1:15, Colossians 2:20-22,
- FRIDAY: 1 Kings 8:65-66, Nehemiah 8:10, 1 Kings 8:65-66, Nehemiah 8:10,
- SATURDAY: Psalm 104, Psalm 104,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Real FaithSermon Title: Real Faith Is About God's Will and Not My Whims
Delivered On: June 19, 2016
Memorize and Reflect
Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. (James 4:11)Prayer Direction
Pray for God to help you notice when you are speaking words about other people that hurt them and dishonor God. Pray for self-control to keep from speaking what is on your mind when it is not honoring to Jesus. Pray for courage to follow the biblical model of dealing with relational conflict.“Live It!” Challenge
The Matthew 18:15-17 Process – Take time to read through Matthew 18:15-17 four or five times. Reflect closely on the stages of dealing with conflict, hurt, and sin committed between people. Are you following this process closely and in a godly manner? Commit to follow each step of this process. In particular, commit to never speak ill of another person until you have gone through the whole process.Small Group Discussion
What are some of the rationalizations we give ourselves or others to justify gossip, complaining about others, or speaking poorly about people who have hurt us? Why are these so common?
What are some of the dangers we face when we vent, complain, or grumble about other people? How have you seen grumbling, gossip, and complaining hurt a family, friends, or a local church?
Read: James 4:11-12 How is speaking poorly of others a form of judgment? How does God feel about us when we do this? Why is it important to remember that God is the ultimate judge and he will judge with justice?
Read: 1 Corinthians 10:6-11 What are the four sins Paul writes about (that the people of Israel committed in the wilderness)? Why do you think grumbling and complaining are such a big deal to God and are in a list with such “BIG” sins?
How did God respond to the sin of grumbling in the Old Testament? (You might want to do a quick study of the time God’s people were in the wilderness wandering: Exodus 13-20; Exodus 32-34; Numbers 12-14; Numbers 16; Numbers 20-21.)
Read: Matthew 18:15-17 What is the progression God calls us to follow when we are dealing with conflict toward another person?
What are ways we tend to respond to being hurt (sinned against) that are opposed to what God wants for us? What are some possible consequences if we respond in our way rather than following God’s wisdom?
Without giving names or details, how can your group members pray for you and keep you accountable to walk through this process rather than speak poorly about others?
What can we do to make our church a place where words are not used to slander, hurt, and damage others?
What are some of the rationalizations we give ourselves or others to justify gossip, complaining about others, or speaking poorly about people who have hurt us? Why are these so common?
What are some of the dangers we face when we vent, complain, or grumble about other people? How have you seen grumbling, gossip, and complaining hurt a family, friends, or a local church?
Read: James 4:11-12 How is speaking poorly of others a form of judgment? How does God feel about us when we do this? Why is it important to remember that God is the ultimate judge and he will judge with justice?
Read: 1 Corinthians 10:6-11 What are the four sins Paul writes about (that the people of Israel committed in the wilderness)? Why do you think grumbling and complaining are such a big deal to God and are in a list with such “BIG” sins?
How did God respond to the sin of grumbling in the Old Testament? (You might want to do a quick study of the time God’s people were in the wilderness wandering: Exodus 13-20; Exodus 32-34; Numbers 12-14; Numbers 16; Numbers 20-21.)
Read: Matthew 18:15-17 What is the progression God calls us to follow when we are dealing with conflict toward another person?
What are ways we tend to respond to being hurt (sinned against) that are opposed to what God wants for us? What are some possible consequences if we respond in our way rather than following God’s wisdom?
Without giving names or details, how can your group members pray for you and keep you accountable to walk through this process rather than speak poorly about others?
What can we do to make our church a place where words are not used to slander, hurt, and damage others?