Weekly Reading for June 16 – 22
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: You're UpSermon Title: A Call to Sacrifice
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on June 23, 2024:
- SUNDAY: Mark 8,
- MONDAY: Matthew 10,
- TUESDAY: Luke 9,
- WEDNESDAY: Romans 12,
- THURSDAY: Ephesians 5,
- FRIDAY: James 4,
- SATURDAY: 1 John 4,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: You're UpSermon Title: A Call to Follow
Delivered On: June 16, 2024
Memorize and Reflect
John 8:12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Prayer Direction
Thank God for His amazing grace, mercy, and love for you, for Jesus came to give His life for you and rescue you from the grip of sin, death, and the enemy. Thank Jesus for His calling you and the life He offers you! Ask Him to remind you of that amazing call and how He has transformed your life. Thank Him for the opportunity He has given you to share this with others.“Live It!” Challenge
Answering the Call – This week, write out your personal testimony when you first heard the call of Jesus and responded in faith. Challenge yourself to write it without “churchy language” and with the goal of sharing it with others, especially non-believers in your life. Once you have it written, share it with another follower of Jesus and be open to their feedback. Pray and ask God who is one non-believing friend or family member you should share your testimony with within the coming month.Small Group Discussion
Describe the first time you heard the call of Jesus to Follow Him. How or who connected you with Jesus?
Read: Matthew 4:18-21. Why do you think Jesus chose fishermen to be His first four followers? What might they have to offer?
How did the men respond to the call? How does that give us a picture of the importance of following Jesus?
Read: Luke 5:27-30. Who was Levi, and what was the Jewish society’s perspective of him and his occupation?
What did Jesus do that both shocked and frustrated the religious elites? How does that help us think about ourselves and others in our life?
Read: John 1:43-49. What do we learn from this passage from Philip about sharing Jesus? What do we also learn from Jesus about His love for us even though He knows all about our flaws and failures?
As you reflect on this week’s message, how does this move you to greater joy, peace, confidence, boldness, and hope?