Weekly Reading for July 29 – August 4
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: The Book of Acts: The ChurchSermon Title: The Persecution of the Church
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on August 5, 2018:
- SUNDAY: Acts 1, Acts 1,
- MONDAY: Acts 2, Acts 2,
- TUESDAY: Acts 3, Acts 3,
- WEDNESDAY: Acts 4, Acts 4,
- THURSDAY: Acts 5, Acts 5,
- FRIDAY: Acts 6-8, Acts 6-8,
- SATURDAY: James 1:1-8, James 1:1-8,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: The Book of Acts: The ChurchSermon Title: The Message and Method of the Church
Delivered On: July 29, 2018
Memorize and Reflect
16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. 17 So he reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there.(Acts 17:16-17)Prayer Direction
Ask God to open natural doors for you to share the amazing and life-changing story of Jesus with the people in your life. Pray for courage to open your mouth and share what you know of Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see the needs around you, and the right words for each person and situation.“Live It!” Challenge
Three Names and Pray Take time this week to ask for the names of three people you encounter in a store, gas station, restaurant, or some business setting. Seek to remember their name and pray for them by name for at least three days.Small Group Discussion
Tell about one person who reached out to you, shared the message of Jesus, and showed you God’s love in some way on your journey to faith. What did they do that impacted you?
Tell about one person in your life you are seeking to love, pray for, and tell about Jesus. What steps are you taking and how can others pray for you as you shine the light of Jesus in this relationship.
Read: Acts 17:1-9. What do you learn from how Paul engaged these religious people and how he shared the message of Jesus?
Why do you think there were such divergent responses to Paul’s message? How have you experienced people being open to Jesus and others being closed?
Read: Acts 17:16-34. In Athens the setting and people are different than they were in Thessalonica. What does Paul do that is similar as he shares Jesus in this setting? What does he do that is different?
Why is it critical that we understand the culture of the people to whom we are presenting the message of Jesus? What is unique about the culture where you live right now and how should this impact the way you share the story and truth of Jesus?
The apostle Paul spoke to many people who were religious, but not followers of Jesus. What are some of the popular “religious” perspectives in our culture that show a hunger for spirituality, but do not bring a person to Jesus?
How can we build on (and even correct) one of these popular religious outlooks as we point people to Jesus, who is the Truth that each person needs?
If we share our faith and someone is not interested in it or even pushes back strongly, how should we respond?
How can your group members pray for you as you seek to reach out and share the good news of Jesus in the unique places God has placed you?
Tell about one person who reached out to you, shared the message of Jesus, and showed you God’s love in some way on your journey to faith. What did they do that impacted you?
Tell about one person in your life you are seeking to love, pray for, and tell about Jesus. What steps are you taking and how can others pray for you as you shine the light of Jesus in this relationship.
Read: Acts 17:1-9. What do you learn from how Paul engaged these religious people and how he shared the message of Jesus?
Why do you think there were such divergent responses to Paul’s message? How have you experienced people being open to Jesus and others being closed?
Read: Acts 17:16-34. In Athens the setting and people are different than they were in Thessalonica. What does Paul do that is similar as he shares Jesus in this setting? What does he do that is different?
Why is it critical that we understand the culture of the people to whom we are presenting the message of Jesus? What is unique about the culture where you live right now and how should this impact the way you share the story and truth of Jesus?
The apostle Paul spoke to many people who were religious, but not followers of Jesus. What are some of the popular “religious” perspectives in our culture that show a hunger for spirituality, but do not bring a person to Jesus?
How can we build on (and even correct) one of these popular religious outlooks as we point people to Jesus, who is the Truth that each person needs?
If we share our faith and someone is not interested in it or even pushes back strongly, how should we respond?
How can your group members pray for you as you seek to reach out and share the good news of Jesus in the unique places God has placed you?