July 28 – August 3

Weekly Reading for July 28 – August 3

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Extreme Makeover
Sermon Title: God’s Surprises, Our Surrender

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on August 4, 2024:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: Extreme Maleover
Sermon Title: Teachers Become Students
Delivered On: July 28, 2024


Memorize and Reflect

John 3:3
Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

Prayer Direction

Lift up prayers of thanks to Jesus for the new life He offered you through His death and resurrection. Pray for non-Christian friends who are spiritually curious to personally encounter and follow Jesus.

“Live It!” Challenge

Your Transformation Story – Take time to write your story of how God has brought you from darkness to light (in 200 words or less). Be clear about how Jesus has brought you hope, joy and light where there was darkness and discouragement.

Small Group Discussion

  1. If you have come to God through faith in Jesus, tell about when you knew you were “Born Again” and how your life has changed since then.

  2. Read: John 3:1-2. How might people have viewed and treated Nicodemus since he was the top of his field in religion and since he was a key member of the Jewish Supreme Court?

  3. When people have great power and big influence on others, how might they view themselves? Why do we need to be careful when we are in a place of authority.

  4. Nicodemus was genuinely curious about Jesus and wanted to learn more about Him. Tell about a person in your life who is curious about Jesus and share how God could use you to share your spiritual journey with this person.

  5. Read: John 3:3-15. What do you find interesting or surprising about this conversation? How did Jesus challenge Nicodemus as they talked about spiritual truth?

  6. If you could ask Jesus a question you really wonder about, what would you ask Him? Why does this question matter to you.

  7. Jesus reveals who He really is at the end of this encounter with Nicodemus. What did Jesus say about himself and how do you think people in Jesus’ day might have responded to this?

  8. Read: John 3:16-21. What do we learn about the heart of God in this passage? Why is it important that we remember this?

  9. What are the spiritual results of a person refusing to believe in Jesus? What happens when we put our trust in Jesus and truly follow Him?

  10. What are ways we can shine the light of Jesus and share His love with those who are spiritually curious (but not yet His followers)?