Weekly Reading for July 22 – 28
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: The Book of Acts: The ChurchSermon Title: The Message and Method of the Church... More Creative than We Know
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on July 29, 2018:
- SUNDAY: Acts 17, Acts 17,
- MONDAY: Isaiah 53, Isaiah 53,
- TUESDAY: Romans 3, Romans 3,
- WEDNESDAY: Romans 6, Romans 6,
- THURSDAY: 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Corinthians 15,
- FRIDAY: Philippians 2, Colossians 1, Philippians 2, Colossians 1,
- SATURDAY: Acts 17, Acts 17,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: The Book of Acts: The ChurchSermon Title: The Family of the Church... Bigger than We Think
Delivered On: July 22, 2018
Memorize and Reflect
Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.(Acts 10:34-35)Prayer Direction
Pray for Shoreline to be a church where people from every language group, culture, and part of the world feels fully welcome and embraced! Confess where you hold any prejudice or fear of other groups of people who God loves and cares about. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you love people who are very different than you.“Live It!” Challenge
Overcome Fear With Prayer Think about a specific person, a group of people, or a kind of person you tend to avoid and be suspicious of. Commit to pray for this person or group every day for the next week. Pray in the following directions: Ask God to remind or show you how much He loves them. Pray for eyes to see them as God does. Pray for God’s blessing and care for this person (or these people). Confess to God any negative thoughts, stereotypes, or bad feelings you have toward this person or these people. Ask Jesus to help you love them like He does!Small Group Discussion
What are some reasons (real or imagined) that one group can fear, be suspicious of, or avoid another group of people?
Tell about a prejudice or fear of another kind of person that you have overcome or grown past in your lifetime.
How is this story of Peter and Cornelius a picture of God breaking down fears, cultural obstacles, and making two very different people brothers in faith?
Read: Acts 10:1-23. How are Peter and Cornelius (and their experiences) similar? How are they different? How do you see God drawing them together?
Before this encounter, who did Peter think was welcome in the church and God’s family? After this encounter, how did Peter’s view of God’s family (the church) change?
Read: Acts 10:23-33. After scene four in this story, what had Peter learned that changed his view of Cornelius and the Gentiles as a group? What does Peter still seem to be missing…or not getting yet?
Read: Acts 10:34-43 (focus on v.34-36). What are the implications of God truly shows no favoritism toward any person or group of people? How should this impact the way we live our lives?
What is the message that Peter finally proclaimed to Cornelius, his family, and his friends who were gathered in his house? Why is this message the key to unity and healing between groups of people (no matter how different)?
Read: Acts 10:44-48. What was the end result of Peter and Cornelius’ relationship and this “Law Breaking” encounter? What are ways we can make the church, and the gospel we share, a place where radically different people can become friends, family, brothers, and sisters?
What are some reasons (real or imagined) that one group can fear, be suspicious of, or avoid another group of people?
Tell about a prejudice or fear of another kind of person that you have overcome or grown past in your lifetime.
How is this story of Peter and Cornelius a picture of God breaking down fears, cultural obstacles, and making two very different people brothers in faith?
Read: Acts 10:1-23. How are Peter and Cornelius (and their experiences) similar? How are they different? How do you see God drawing them together?
Before this encounter, who did Peter think was welcome in the church and God’s family? After this encounter, how did Peter’s view of God’s family (the church) change?
Read: Acts 10:23-33. After scene four in this story, what had Peter learned that changed his view of Cornelius and the Gentiles as a group? What does Peter still seem to be missing…or not getting yet?
Read: Acts 10:34-43 (focus on v.34-36). What are the implications of God truly shows no favoritism toward any person or group of people? How should this impact the way we live our lives?
What is the message that Peter finally proclaimed to Cornelius, his family, and his friends who were gathered in his house? Why is this message the key to unity and healing between groups of people (no matter how different)?
Read: Acts 10:44-48. What was the end result of Peter and Cornelius’ relationship and this “Law Breaking” encounter? What are ways we can make the church, and the gospel we share, a place where radically different people can become friends, family, brothers, and sisters?