Weekly Reading for July 21 – 27
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Freedom, Life, HealthSermon Title: Enjoy What God Gives You
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on July 28, 2019:
- SUNDAY: Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5,
- MONDAY: Romans 1, Romans 1,
- TUESDAY: James 4, James 4,
- WEDNESDAY: Romans 7, Romans 7,
- THURSDAY: 1 Timothy 6, 1 Timothy 6,
- FRIDAY: John 6, John 6,
- SATURDAY: Philippians 4 , Philippians 4 ,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Freedom, Life, HealthSermon Title: Don't Take What Is Not Yours
Delivered On: July 21, 2019
Memorize and Reflect
“You shall not steal.” (Exodus 20:15)Prayer Direction
Thank God for being infinitely generous with you and pray for a heart more like Jesus. Confess any way you have been stealing and ask God to help you see where you have allowed this sinful practice to grow in your life. Ask for power to repent and to make restitution where you can.“Live It!” Challenge
Boundary Check: If you identify a way you have been stealing and can find a way to make it right with both an apology and restitution, do it this week!Small Group Discussion
Why do most people think of stealing as something they don’t do and a problem that others might have?
Read: Exodus 20:15. When we really look at all the ways a person might steal from others, why is this a bigger problem that we might think? Why do you think stealing is so prevalent?
How have you seen stealing happen in one of these places…
• In the workplace
• In government or from government
• In a home
• In the churchHow might a person steal…
• Someone’s dignity or name?
• Credit of praise?
• Intellectual property?
• From God?
Why are these just as bad as stealing money (and sometimes worse)?Read: Ephesians 4:28 and 2 Thessalonians 3:10. These two exhortations are given in the life of the local church. Why is it important that we call people to real life-change? What are ways we can we help people stop stealing, work hard, and grow in generosity?
How does stealing remove freedom from those who are stolen from?
How does stealing take freedom from the person who steals?
Read: Luke 19:1-10. How did the presence and grace of Jesus transform the life of Zacchaeus?
How does Jesus change our view of wealth and the way we see material things? How has your outlook on generosity changed since following Jesus?
How is Jesus our perfect example of being generous, even when others are not?
Why do most people think of stealing as something they don’t do and a problem that others might have?
Read: Exodus 20:15. When we really look at all the ways a person might steal from others, why is this a bigger problem that we might think? Why do you think stealing is so prevalent?
How have you seen stealing happen in one of these places…
• In the workplace
• In government or from government
• In a home
• In the churchHow might a person steal…
• Someone’s dignity or name?
• Credit of praise?
• Intellectual property?
• From God?
Why are these just as bad as stealing money (and sometimes worse)?Read: Ephesians 4:28 and 2 Thessalonians 3:10. These two exhortations are given in the life of the local church. Why is it important that we call people to real life-change? What are ways we can we help people stop stealing, work hard, and grow in generosity?
How does stealing remove freedom from those who are stolen from?
How does stealing take freedom from the person who steals?
Read: Luke 19:1-10. How did the presence and grace of Jesus transform the life of Zacchaeus?
How does Jesus change our view of wealth and the way we see material things? How has your outlook on generosity changed since following Jesus?
How is Jesus our perfect example of being generous, even when others are not?