Weekly Reading for January 22 – 28
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: IgniteSermon Title: Following One Step at a Time (Abraham)
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on January 29, 2023:
- SUNDAY: Genesis 11:27-12:20,
- MONDAY: Genesis 13, Genesis 14,
- TUESDAY: Genesis 15,
- WEDNESDAY: Genesis 16, Genesis 17,
- THURSDAY: Genesis 18, Genesis 19,
- FRIDAY: Genesis 20, Genesis 21,
- SATURDAY: Genesis 22,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: IgniteSermon Title: Risking Everything to Follow (Esther)
Delivered On: January 22, 2023
Memorize and Reflect
Esther 4:16“Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”
Prayer Direction
Ask God to give you courage to follow Him no matter what the cost. Pray that you will be in the world but not of the world.“Live It!” Challenge
Stand Together! – Think about an area you need encouragement, support, and strength. Ask 2-3 friends or family members who love Jesus to fast with you and pray with you for God’s amazing presence and power in this area of your life.Small Group Discussion
Tell about a time you followed Jesus even when it was hard. How did things turn out and how was God with you through this season?
Read: Esther 4:12-16. What do you find surprising or what jumps out at you in this passage?
Read: Esther 4:13-14. How did Esther model a heart of humility that listened to the wisdom of others? Who is a person God uses in your life to share wisdom with you and how has this person influenced your life?
Read: Esther 4:16. When there was an attack and conflict, Esther invited others to stand with her. Why is it so important for us to stay close in community in the hard times of life?
Who are some of the partners in life and prayer supporters you can go to in hard times? Why are these relationships so important?
Read: Esther 4:16. Esther was ready to die if that is what it meant to stand up for her people. What are some of the hard consequences we might face in our world if we really stand up for Jesus?
What are some of the ways you have seen God’s sovereign hard over your life (even if you did not notice it at first)?
How can your group members pray, fast, and support you in a tough situation you are facing right now?
What is a next step God wants you to take as you seek to follow Him, even when it is hard and you might face tough consequences?