February 25 – March 2

Weekly Reading for February 25 – March 2

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Three Words
Sermon Title: In the Beginning

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on March 3, 2024:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: Who Am I?
Sermon Title: Part of a Family, Not Isolated and Alone
Delivered On: February 25, 2024


Memorize and Reflect

1 Corinthians 12:18
But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.

Prayer Direction

Thank God for the community of the Church, His spiritual family. Pray for courage and commitment to fully engage in the life of the Church as an active family member. Ask God to show you how you can serve and bless others who are part of God’s family.

“Live It!” Challenge

Your Pain is My Pain – Every week, Shoreline publishes a prayer list of the needs people in your church family have expressed and shared. If you don’t receive this list, please contact Maggie in the Church office. Get this list and take time in the coming week to pray for each need. You might even want to send a card to one or two of the people on the list and let them know you are lifting them up in prayer.

Small Group Discussion

  1. Share a story about a time someone in the church reached out to you and extended the care and love of a family member. Why was this such a wonderful moment, and why is it important that all of God’s family members do this?

  2. Read: Genesis 1:26-27. God exists in eternal community, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Why is it important for us to understand God’s existence in loving, unified, and joyful community? How does this set the tone for how we live?

  3. What are ways we have been made in the image of God? How does knowing this bring dignity and direction to our lives?

  4. Read: 1 Corinthians 12:12-14. How is our physical body made up of many parts but truly one body? How is this a powerful picture of the church as a family on many people but one spiritual and united family?

  5. Read: 1 Corinthians 12:15-20. Why is it dangerous to compare ourselves to other people in the family of God and why do we need to honor every part of the family (including ourselves)?

  6. Read: 1 Corinthians 12:21-26. Why is it damaging to the Church to look at other believers and see them as unnecessary or unneeded? Why is each person in the church important for the health of God’s family?

  7. What are ways we can rejoice together and suffer with each other? How could your small group members walk with you through a specific area of joy or struggle?

  8. Read: John 17:6-13. In this powerful and amazing prayer of Jesus (the longest recorded prayer of our Savior in the Bible), what do we learn about the unity of the Father and the Son? How is this an example and a pathway for fellow Christian believers to live in community with each other?

  9. What is one step you can take in growing closer to your brothers and sisters in faith? How can your group members cheer you on and help you take steps of growth in this part of your life?