Weekly Reading for December 6 – 12
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: The GiverSermon Title: God Gives Healing
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on December 13, 2015:
- SUNDAY: Matthew 18, Matthew 18,
- MONDAY: John 14, John 14,
- TUESDAY: John 9, John 9,
- WEDNESDAY: Luke 9, Luke 9,
- THURSDAY: John 19, John 19,
- FRIDAY: John 20, John 20,
- SATURDAY: John 21, John 21,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: The GiverSermon Title: God Gave His Best
Delivered On: December 6, 2015
Memorize and Reflect
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! (Philipians 2:5-8)Prayer Direction
Start with adoration, marveling at the sheer power and age of God, the Creator of the Universe. Then consider by contrast the utter helplessness of a baby. Ask God to help you grasp the depths of His humility and love, that He would become a child to serve us. Then consider the plight of people around you; everyone is hurting. Ask God to give you His heart and open doors for you to lower yourself and serve people who could never help you.“Live It!” Challenge
God Gave His Best: This week, give your best to God: Dedicate a day to the Lord! You don't have to take a day off from work or skip school, but everything you do that day, do it with excellence, as a gift for God. Start in the morning by giving the day to God in prayer - ask Him to fill you with His joy as you give your best for Him and keep your eyes open for new ways to honor Him. Be cognizant all day that you are living for His Glory. For best results, do this with a friend and text each other encouraging reminders and updates throughout the day. Don't forget to reflect At the end of the day!Small Group Discussion
Read: Matthew 6:25-33
What are some of the things we feel we can't live without?How can we have more faith, so we can give what we have to others in need?
Read: Matthew 5:38-48
God suffered for us when we were sinners. How should we treat our enemies?Read: Philippians 2:5-11
The two biggest days in the Christian calendar are Christmas and Easter - which do you think was more "humbling" for God?Read: John 3:16
What is the best gift anyone has ever given to you, other than God? Why did you like it so much?Do you think you can give something better to someone who would appreciate it?
Read: John 13:35
Is it important just to love one another, or to express that love and let people see it?Why did Jesus come preaching and healing?
Read: John 4:8
We are called as Christians to be like Christ. Why is it so important that we embody love?Read: John 10:10
Does following God restrict us or free us? How?Read: Matthew 6:25-33
What are some of the things we feel we can't live without?How can we have more faith, so we can give what we have to others in need?
Read: Matthew 5:38-48
God suffered for us when we were sinners. How should we treat our enemies?Read: Philippians 2:5-11
The two biggest days in the Christian calendar are Christmas and Easter - which do you think was more "humbling" for God?Read: John 3:16
What is the best gift anyone has ever given to you, other than God? Why did you like it so much?Do you think you can give something better to someone who would appreciate it?
Read: John 13:35
Is it important just to love one another, or to express that love and let people see it?Why did Jesus come preaching and healing?
Read: John 4:8
We are called as Christians to be like Christ. Why is it so important that we embody love?Read: John 10:10
Does following God restrict us or free us? How?