Weekly Reading for December 29 – January 4
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: More Like JesusSermon Title: A Journey of Growth
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on January 5, 2020:
- SUNDAY: Matthew 4, Luke 4, Matthew 4, Luke 4,
- MONDAY: Matthew 6, John 17, Matthew 6, John 17,
- TUESDAY: Matthew 29, Luke 10, Matthew 29, Luke 10,
- WEDNESDAY: John 13, Luke 23, John 13, Luke 23,
- THURSDAY: John 19, John 20, John 19, John 20,
- FRIDAY: John 14-16, John 14-16,
- SATURDAY: Matthew 23, John 3-4, Matthew 23, John 3-4,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Christmas PerspectivesSermon Title: Through the Eyes of Modern Day Christians
Delivered On: December 29, 2019
Memorize and Reflect
Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. (Revelation 19:15-16)Prayer Direction
Thank Jesus for willingly leaving heaven and entering our world for the sake of ordinary people like us. Praise Jesus as the tender baby born in the manger. Celebrate and bow before Jesus as the King of kings and Lord of lords who rules over all things!“Live It!” Challenge
Christmas All Year Long: Make a commitment to use each Sunday for the coming year to remind you of Jesus’ birth (Christmas), His death and resurrection (Easter), and His presence with you right now through the power of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). Each Sunday, as you drive to church, lift up a simple prayer celebrating the coming of Jesus, the life of Jesus, His death, and His resurrection!Small Group Discussion
When you were a child, what did you think Christmas was really about? What do you believe Christmas is about today and how has your perspective changed over the years?
When a person is not a follower of Jesus and does not see Christmas as the celebration of Jesus (His coming, His love, and His message), what does Christmas most often become? How is Christmas and life become richer and more meaningful when Jesus is the center of it all?
Read: Colossians 1:15-20. This is one of the most significant and deep passages about Jesus in the whole Bible. If this was all the Bible said about Jesus, what could you know about your Savior?
What does it mean to say that Jesus is the very image of the invisible God? If Jesus were not God, how would this change the Christian faith?
Jesus is both the creator and sustainer of life. What does it mean to say Jesus is the Creator of all things including me? How do you experience the sustaining power of Jesus in your daily life?
Jesus makes peace through His blood shed on the cross. How does Jesus’ death on the cross and His shed blood bring us peace with God? How does it bring us peace with ourselves? How does it bring us peace with other people?
How are the people of God like a family? What can we do to make the family of God a more loving and caring family?
Read: Revelation 19:11-16. How is this picture of Jesus radically different than the gospel account of Jesus coming as a baby born in a manger? Why do we need to embrace and celebrate both portrayals of our Savior?
If we really believe Jesus is the King of all kings and the Lord over all lords, how should we live each day in relationship to Him? What is one area of your life that you need to surrender more fully to the Lordship of Jesus and what is one practical step you can take to do this?
When you were a child, what did you think Christmas was really about? What do you believe Christmas is about today and how has your perspective changed over the years?
When a person is not a follower of Jesus and does not see Christmas as the celebration of Jesus (His coming, His love, and His message), what does Christmas most often become? How is Christmas and life become richer and more meaningful when Jesus is the center of it all?
Read: Colossians 1:15-20. This is one of the most significant and deep passages about Jesus in the whole Bible. If this was all the Bible said about Jesus, what could you know about your Savior?
What does it mean to say that Jesus is the very image of the invisible God? If Jesus were not God, how would this change the Christian faith?
Jesus is both the creator and sustainer of life. What does it mean to say Jesus is the Creator of all things including me? How do you experience the sustaining power of Jesus in your daily life?
Jesus makes peace through His blood shed on the cross. How does Jesus’ death on the cross and His shed blood bring us peace with God? How does it bring us peace with ourselves? How does it bring us peace with other people?
How are the people of God like a family? What can we do to make the family of God a more loving and caring family?
Read: Revelation 19:11-16. How is this picture of Jesus radically different than the gospel account of Jesus coming as a baby born in a manger? Why do we need to embrace and celebrate both portrayals of our Savior?
If we really believe Jesus is the King of all kings and the Lord over all lords, how should we live each day in relationship to Him? What is one area of your life that you need to surrender more fully to the Lordship of Jesus and what is one practical step you can take to do this?