December 11 – 17

Weekly Reading for December 11 – 17

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: God With Us
Sermon Title: Where Is God When I Fail or Fall Short In following Jesus

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on December 18, 2022:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: God With Us
Sermon Title: Where Is God When I Am Far from Home
Delivered On: December 11, 2022


Memorize and Reflect

Genesis 50:20
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Prayer Direction

Thank God for the times you have been strengthened by His presence, even when outward circumstances could have made you feel far from His care. Pray for people you love and care about who are in a time where they could feel far from God. Ask God to reveal His love, care, and presence in new and amazing ways, even when the current of this life is trying to pull you from His presence.

“Live It!” Challenge

The Power of Memory and a Story – There is something refreshing and life-giving about remembering God’s faithfulness in the past. Take time to remember some of the ways God has shown up, watched over you, and revealed His presence in the hard times of life. Then, tell one of these hope-filled true stories to a child, grandchild, or a friend who needs to be reminded that the same God who has been sovereign over your life will watch over them in their tough times.

Small Group Discussion

  1. Tell about a time when life took you far from home. What was it like to be in this place?

  2. Share about a time when God was very near you even when life circumstances seemed to be tugging and pushing you away from God.

  3. Read: Genesis 37:12-36. What kind of emotions and thoughts might have been going through Joseph as he experienced all he faced in this portion of Scripture?

  4. How might an experience like this impact a person’s faith in a negative way and cause them to question or even reject God?

  5. Read: Genesis 39. How did Joseph respond to the temptations, lies, and pain he faced in this portion of his story?

  6. What do you learn about Joseph’s faith and commitment to God, even in the terrible situation he faced? How can Joseph’s confidence, faith, and faithfulness inspire us when we face hard times?

  7. Read: Genesis 45:4-11 and Genesis 50:15-20. Once Joseph was in a position of power, he could have used his authority to get back at his brothers for what they had done to him. How did his response to his brothers reveal the depth of his theological conviction that God is truly with us and sovereign over all the world?

  8. What are good and faithful ways we can respond in times when God could seem far away? How can our response be a witness to other Christians and even to non-Christians?

  9. What is one life situation you are in, or that you might face in the future, that could have the potential to test your faith? How can your group members pray for you and encourage you as you face this situation?