Weekly Reading for August 6 – 12
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Stand StrongSermon Title: How to Stand Strong
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on August 13, 2023:
- SUNDAY: Hebrews 12,
- MONDAY: Romans 12,
- TUESDAY: Isaiah 41,
- WEDNESDAY: 1 Thessalonians 5,
- THURSDAY: James 3,
- FRIDAY: Ephesians 2,
- SATURDAY: 1 Peter 3,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Stand StrongSermon Title: How to Swim Against the Current
Delivered On: August 6, 2023
Memorize and Reflect
1 Peter 3:9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.Prayer Direction
Pray for eyes to see the currents that are seeking to sweep you away from God’s will and into the ways of the world. Ask for courage to face the areas you are slowly or quickly going down stream and pray for power to swim against the current in the name and power of Jesus. Ask God to help you identify one person you trust who can be an accountability partner in your efforts to swim upstream and follow the ways of Jesus in our broken world.“Live It!” Challenge
Say No! – Identify an area you feel the current culture is really pushing against you. Name where you are being tempted to drift down stream and into attitudes and actions that do not honor Jesus. Do these four things:1) Write down your commitment to say no to this specific area of temptation.
2) Pray daily for the power to walk in God’s ways and swim against the current.
3) Replace the bad action with a good one.
4) Have a trusted Christian friend pray for you and ask you how you are doing on a regular basis. As you see yourself moving against the cultural current, give praise to God and keep pressing on!
Small Group Discussion
What are some of the strong currents in our culture that are pushing people away from the will of God and into sinful patterns?
How are you seeing this reality impact culture and people you know? How are these currents impacting the next generation?
Read: 1 Peter 2:11-12. What does Peter mean by sinful desires that wage war against your soul? Why are sinful desires so dangerous?
There are various sources of sinful desires and how do they come at us in different ways?
- Desires that come from inside of us.
- Desires that come from cultural enticements.
- Desires that come from the evil one the tempter.What are ways we can be so good and counter cultural that the world will look at us and glorify God? What are examples you have seen?
Read: 1 Peter 2:13-17. What are ways people rebel against authority (in small and seemingly justifiable ways) and in big and blatant ways? How does God view these behaviors?
Why is it important for us to honor people in places of leadership, to obey the governing authorities, and even to pray for those in leadership? (When they are not working against the will and Word of God)
Read: 1 Peter 2:18-20. How is the current of our culture pushing against hard work and respect for employers? What are some possible negative consequences if this continues and grows?
How should a follower of Jesus work and be seen in the workplace? How can we pray for those who are seeking to work hard and honor Jesus through their labor?