Weekly Reading for August 11 – 17
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Extreme MakeoverSermon Title: Killers Become Compassionate
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on August 18, 2024:
- SUNDAY: Acts 1, Acts 2-3,
- MONDAY: Acts 4, Acts 5-6,
- TUESDAY: Acts 7-8, Acts 9,
- WEDNESDAY: Acts 10, Acts 11-12,
- THURSDAY: Acts 13, Acts 14-15,
- FRIDAY: Acts 16, Acts 17-18,
- SATURDAY: Acts 19, Acts 20-21,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Extreme MaleoverSermon Title: The Bound Become Free
Delivered On: August 11, 2024
Memorize and Reflect
Mark 5:20So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.
Prayer Direction
Thank God for a specific way He has set you free and released you from bondage. Pray for yourself and your group members to walk in the freedom Jesus brings rather than give in to the imprisonment of the enemy.“Live It!” Challenge
Honest Evaluation – Take time this week to think about your life and write down two or three areas where you are in bondage or where you know the enemy seeks to bring you into spiritual imprisonment. Pick one area to seek to walk in the freedom of Jesus. Begin praying for freedom and for the power of Jesus to bring change in this area of your life. Also, get two or three close Christian friends to join you in praying for power and wisdom as you seek the freedom of Jesus.Small Group Discussion
What are some of the places of bondage and spiritual imprisonment that the enemy seeks to attack believers with today? Why is it important that we identify these?
Read: Mark 5:1-5. What were some of the signs that this man was in bondage? What signs do you see in others and yourself when there is spiritual bondage?
Read: Mark 5:6-13. How did the demons respond to Jesus? How did Jesus deal with these demonic beings?
How does this Scripture and interaction bring you hope and confidence in Jesus’ power and ability to help you walk in freedom?
What is an area of your life where you need to experience the delivering power and freedom of Jesus?
Read: Mark 5:14-20. How was this man transformed after his encounter with Jesus?
How have you experienced the power of Jesu to set you free and change your life and future?
Why do you think the people in that town wanted Jesus to leave their region? How do people today push Jesus away (even when he is the only one who can deliver and save them)?
Jesus called this man to share his story with others. What story of God’s presence and power do you have to share with people who are spiritually wandering and who need to come home to the Good Shepherd?