Weekly Reading for December 13 – December 19
Preparing for Next Week’s Message
Sermon Series: Adore!Sermon Title: Come Adore the Baby Born
This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on December 20, 2020:
- SUNDAY: Luke 1,
- MONDAY: Luke 2,
- TUESDAY: Matthew 1,
- WEDNESDAY: Matthew 2,
- THURSDAY: John 1,
- FRIDAY: Luke 1,
- SATURDAY: Luke 2,
Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon
Sermon Series: Adore!Sermon Title: Come Adore the Messiah Who Came
Delivered On: December 13, 2020
Memorize and Reflect
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21Prayer Direction
Jesus, the kingdoms and governments of this world are flawed. I know that it is easy to get sucked into the vortex of believing that the kingdoms and governments of this world can fix all of life’s brokenness. But if that was the case, there would have been no need for your royal birth whereby you inaugurated the Kingdom of God here on earth. Thank you for coming to save us from our sin and to establish God’s righteous, just, and perfect Kingdom. May I be, may our church be, a reflection of God’s already but not yet Kingdom. Spirit of God, empower us to be the salt and light of God’s Kingdom in the relationships we have, the places we work, and the things we do.“Live It!” Challenge
Small Group Discussion
What makes you want to sing? In other words, when do you find yourself belting out in song?
What are some of your favorite Christmas songs… and why?
Read: Matthew 1:1–16 - Who are some of the notable names that stand out in Jesus’ genealogy? What were the four reasons given in these verses that should make our hearts want to sing (worship) the King? Was there one particular reason that resonated with you, and if so, why?
Read: Matthew 1:18–25 - What challenges and inspires us about Joseph’s obedience?
Songs that are sung are really a reflection of the heart. In other words, most songs that come from the lips originate in our lives. If we say Jesus is our King, and we sing that Jesus is our King, what should our lives look like? What were the four ways one could tell if they really are singing to the king?
How are you, or how do you want to inspire other believers towards obedience to the King?
How does our view of Jesus and His Kingdom impact and influence the way we view and engage the government in which we live?