This small group for all adults meets after second service on Sundays at 12:30 pm to discuss the Sunday sermon. This group meets at Shoreline Church in room 3, the Walk Through The Bible Room. This is on the 2nd floor, near the Garden Room and to the left of the preschool room.
Join others weekly to learn and encourage one another in developing spiritual growth and Biblical understanding by discussing Sunday’s sermon plus encouraging & supporting each other with prayer for each on one’s walk with Jesus Christ.
Food will not be provided, but please feel free to bring your own lunch/snacks!
1. Register
2. Your group leader will contact you with specific meeting location and instructions.
3. For questions or more information, contact
- Who this group is for: Adults
- How Often We Meet: Weekly
- Location: At Church
- Meeting Day: Sunday / Time: Afternoon
Childcare is not available for this group.
How Small Groups Work
Small groups meet for 6-10 weeks. We meet weekly to study God’s Word and build relationships. Home groups and online groups available. Groups are offered three times a year – winter, spring, and fall taking a break for the summer months. Group studies kick-off in January, April, and September.