Every Body Matters

Every Body Matters

6:30 PM Sunday, September  8 | Parkside Room | $19.99

Physical fitness, offered to God, and pursued with God, has enormous spiritual, emotional, and physical benefits. Every Body Matters will explore the spiritual stakes behind the very physical battle of eating and exercise and offer a fresh perspective and renewed motivation as we live in a culture that makes fitness increasingly difficult.

On Sunday evening, best-selling author Gary Thomas will be joined by his wife Lisa to discuss practical issues of food and nutrition–why it’s so difficult for us to pursue fitness today, how we can be kind to our bodies in the midst of the struggle, and practical tips to evaluate what we’re doing to our bodies.

By looking at your body as an instrument rather than an ornament, you’ll find new and compelling motivation to honor God with your body, gain new energy for relationships and ministry, and develop a kinder, more positive view of how you view your own body.

*For scholarship inquires please email romel@shoreline.church