November 24 – 30

Weekly Reading for November 24 – 30

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Guideposts and Guardrails: Wisdom for Healthy Relationships
Sermon Title: Growing in Humility and Resisting Pride Guards Relational Vitality

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on December 1, 2019:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: Guideposts and Guardrails: Wisdom for Healthy Relationships
Sermon Title: Hard Work is the Backbone of Healthy Relationships
Delivered On: November 24, 2019


Memorize and Reflect

From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. (Proverbs 12:14)

Prayer Direction

If you have lost your drive to achieve, ask God to empower you by His Spirit to follow His wisdom of working hard to accomplish goals and realize His blessings for your life. Ask Him to help you experience the value and benefits of hard work – to realize it is the backbone of healthy relationships.

“Live It!” Challenge

Accomplish your Goals: Identify one area that you feel you need to give more energy and more drive to in order to accomplish an important goal for you. Identify two or three steps that you can put into practice this week that will start you down the pathway of success.

Small Group Discussion

  1. Who comes to mind when you think of someone who’s had a hard work ethic? What’s been the impact of their hard work on those around them?

  2. Read: Genesis 2:15. What does this verse tell us about hard work? Should we view hard work as a blessing or as a curse?

  3. In this week’s sermon, we talked about the adverse effects of the way of the sluggard (or laziness). What impact does laziness have in the workplace, in my relationships, or at home?

  4. Read: Proverbs 12:14. What is the Lord communicating to us in this verse about hard work? What are some blessings/rewards/outcomes that we can hope to achieve by having a hard work ethic?

  5. Relaxation and recuperation are essential. The Lord requires that we take a Sabbath, a day or refreshment and a day of rest from our labors, a day to honor Him. Discuss the striking a balance between relaxing and falling into laziness.

  6. Read: Proverbs 15:19. What are some complications, or natural by-products, that arise from not being motivated to achieve goals? How can it affect one long-term? What is the impact on loved ones and friends?

  7. What advice do you think God would give to someone who is struggling with laziness?

  8. The title of this week’s message was Hard Work is the Backbone of Healthy Relationships. In what way is this is true?

  9. Read: Proverbs 31:15, 17, 27, 23, 28, 31. Discuss the qualities of a diligent wife and mother and the impact she has on her family and community.

  10. Who comes to mind when you think of someone who’s had a hard work ethic? What’s been the impact of their hard work on those around them?

  11. Read: Genesis 2:15. What does this verse tell us about hard work? Should we view hard work as a blessing or as a curse?

  12. In this week’s sermon, we talked about the adverse effects of the way of the sluggard (or laziness). What impact does laziness have in the workplace, in my relationships, or at home?

  13. Read: Proverbs 12:14. What is the Lord communicating to us in this verse about hard work? What are some blessings/rewards/outcomes that we can hope to achieve by having a hard work ethic?

  14. Relaxation and recuperation are essential. The Lord requires that we take a Sabbath, a day or refreshment and a day of rest from our labors, a day to honor Him. Discuss the striking a balance between relaxing and falling into laziness.

  15. Read: Proverbs 15:19. What are some complications, or natural by-products, that arise from not being motivated to achieve goals? How can it affect one long-term? What is the impact on loved ones and friends?

  16. What advice do you think God would give to someone who is struggling with laziness?

  17. The title of this week’s message was Hard Work is the Backbone of Healthy Relationships. In what way is this is true?

  18. Read: Proverbs 31:15, 17, 27, 23, 28, 31. Discuss the qualities of a diligent wife and mother and the impact she has on her family and community.