December 23 – 29

Weekly Reading for December 23 – 29

Preparing for Next Week’s Message

Sermon Series: Looking Back
Sermon Title: The Wisdom of Looking Back

This reading plan will get your heart and mind set for the next message on December 30, 2018:

Reflecting on the Most Recent Sermon

Sermon Series: Messiah
Sermon Title: A Shocking End?
Delivered On: December 23, 2018


Memorize and Reflect

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Psalm 22:1 and Matthew 27:46)

Prayer Direction

Thank the father for loving you so much that He would send His only Son to die and pay the price for all of your sins. Give praise to Jesus for willingly offering His life to bring you eternal life with the Father. Pray for friends and family members you love who do not yet know the grace and truth of Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to open their hearts and eyes to see Jesus this Christmas.

“Live It!” Challenge

Thank You Note: Truly grateful people will say thank you or even write a thank you note to someone who has given them a gift. When the gift is extraordinary, the note expresses a depth of gratitude. Think about what the gift of Jesus means to you and write a thank you note of appreciation to the God who gave you His greatest gift ever.

Small Group Discussion

  1. Tell about one of your earliest Christmas memories: A gift received, family experience, church service, or something that you remember about Christmas from your childhood or when you became a follower of Jesus.

  2. When you think about Christmas today, how has your view of this important time of the year changed over the years? (for better or for worse)

  3. It has been said that the shadow of the cross fell over the manger where Jesus was born. Why does it feel a bit strange to think about the death of Jesus when we are celebrating His birth? Why is it essential that we always hold the manger and cross together in our hearts and understanding of our faith?

  4. Read: Psalm 22 (focus on Psalm 22:1-2, 6-8, 14-18). How can you hear the voice of David in this Psalm as he faced the struggles and pain of his life? What are ways that this is a Psalm of David about some of his own experiences?

  5. How do you hear the voice of Jesus in this Psalm as he was dying on the cross and bearing our sins?

  6. How do Christmas, Good Friday (the day Jesus was crucified), and Easter all point us to the great love of God for broken and sinful people?

  7. How do Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter all point to our human sin and distance from God?

  8. How do Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter combined together show us the way to salvation and the hope of heaven?

  9. Tell about when you first received the grace of Jesus (if you have) and how your life has changed because you placed your faith in Him. If you have not yet received Jesus as your Savior, what is keeping you from making this step of faith?

  10. Tell about one of your earliest Christmas memories: A gift received, family experience, church service, or something that you remember about Christmas from your childhood or when you became a follower of Jesus.

  11. When you think about Christmas today, how has your view of this important time of the year changed over the years? (for better or for worse)

  12. It has been said that the shadow of the cross fell over the manger where Jesus was born. Why does it feel a bit strange to think about the death of Jesus when we are celebrating His birth? Why is it essential that we always hold the manger and cross together in our hearts and understanding of our faith?

  13. Read: Psalm 22 (focus on Psalm 22:1-2, 6-8, 14-18). How can you hear the voice of David in this Psalm as he faced the struggles and pain of his life? What are ways that this is a Psalm of David about some of his own experiences?

  14. How do you hear the voice of Jesus in this Psalm as he was dying on the cross and bearing our sins?

  15. How do Christmas, Good Friday (the day Jesus was crucified), and Easter all point us to the great love of God for broken and sinful people?

  16. How do Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter all point to our human sin and distance from God?

  17. How do Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter combined together show us the way to salvation and the hope of heaven?

  18. Tell about when you first received the grace of Jesus (if you have) and how your life has changed because you placed your faith in Him. If you have not yet received Jesus as your Savior, what is keeping you from making this step of faith?